Re: .44 Magnum Hunting Load (Deer size game)
I am a fan of hardcast, specifically a 250g Keith style
my load is 23g of IMR 4227, starline brass, Winchester large pistol primer
around 1250 from a 6.5" Smith performance center
punches clean through both hog shoulders
easily takes out deer and hogs
on a handgun I want complete penetration
on a doe at 75 yards I had the factory 240g XTP fail to penetrate fully on a small doe, shot twice
first round was off and hit high shoulder, she ran off and came back to feeding like nothing happened
2nd shot, a good shot hit the heart and she ran 40 yards and piled up
upon inspection both were lodged under the far side
with a rifle and the high velocities I don't really care if I get pass through or not, but on a handgun I want it