457 MTR vs 1710 23" vs Vudoo

FimRire RongLifle

Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Apr 27, 2022
Florida, USA
Currently have an MPA'ed 455 18.5" , my wife has a bergara m14 mpa chassis and likely going to rebarrel that one. I am considering an MTR 457 since i have 8 magazines already, 3 beregra magazines, or a 1710 HB with a 23". I want it for prone and multiple position but not really into a single shot BR type at all. I know I am comparing rifles almost 2000-3000+$ apart..

I have a spare MPA matrix chassis but starting to like the idea of something like the GRS or Manners or foundation stocks to change it up. I dont want any more carbon barrels. I have a nice one on my PRC im happy with but staying away on 22 now. I also dont really care about 700 foot print. Id rather something I dont have to mess with much out of the box.

I guess my questions are knowing the cz will be at bottom of the trigger comparison

How does a cz457 MTR compare to a 1710 HB 23"? besides fit an finish is the rest absolutely night and day?
How does a Vudoo with the 22-23" barrel I probably cant get for 6 + months compare to a as delivered 1710 HB?

sorry if this is really 'out there' question wise.
I can't speak to the Anschutz because I haven't spent any time with one. When I hear "Anschutz" the first thing that pops into my mind is "$65-85 for ONE 5- or 10-round magazine? Really?" A 3-pack of Vudoo 10-round mags is $99.

I can speak to CZ vs Vudoo, though. And right up front, as of 5 minutes ago, Altus has both gen-2 and Three-60 Vudoo barreled actions with 22" kukri or MTU barrels ready to go.

I started precision rimfire with a CZ-455 in an MDT chassis. I put a YoDave trigger kit in it and polished the bolt/receiver interface. It felt about as good as a CZ can be made to feel; I have spent time on one that was completely reworked by a nationally-known but now-retired CZ wizard so I feel my statement is valid... my biggest gripe was the teeny-tiny little nub of a bolt handle; I just couldn't bring myself to spend the $$ for a bigger one. Accuracy was typical for a CZ.

I had a hard time convincing myself to spend the money for a first-gen Vudoo in an MPA BA Comp chassis. Suffice to say it's been worth every dime. I've considered buying another one... but to what end? Mine has an 18" kukri barrel; I'm thinking maybe a rebarrel with 22" unthreaded kukri or even MTU.... we'll see.

Recently, I handled a CZ-457 MTR at a LGS. I was taken aback by how gritty and half-baked the thing felt... and still with the chicken-knuckle bolt handle. I've encountered a few guys with 457s on the range, and their accuracy was excellent.

If the budget is there, it's hard to go wrong with a Vudoo with its R700 footprint and the plethora of stocks, triggers, etc. that work with it. Anschutz absolutely builds world-class rifles - I'd be proud to own one - but you're locked into a far, far smaller ecosystem.
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Great post thanks and altus is a haul but driveable for me. Thanks for input on cz. It be another project then like we both already did. I did a bolt handle job on mine.
To be kinda fair metal acis mags cost around the same they just aren't really necessary.

do vudoo barreled actions come with a test target?
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Great post thanks and altus is a haul but driveable for me. Thanks for input on cz. It be another project then like we both already did. I did a bolt handle job on mine.
To be kinda fair metal acis mags cost around the same they just aren't really necessary.
Yes, in fairness, Vudoo aluminum magazines are at the same price level as Anschutz... but wholly pshidt the Vudoo mags are massive near-works-of-art, as compared to stamped-metal AICS mags. I have polymer and metal mags for all my rifles and the only thing metal gets me is a more substantial feel and, for a couple of them, more capacity.

I can understand undertaking "projects" - been there done that. But, at the end of those project rifles, they still weren't up to the overall feel and performance of the higher-tier models.

Either way - enjoy the journey.
In my advanced age, I have pissed away quite a bit of my 401k in quest of the holy grail of accuracy. I have, or have had: CZ452, 3 different Anschutz 54 action rifles, 3 different Anschutz 64 action rifles, and finally, a Vudoo 22. On a good day, one rifle will outshoot the other and that's me, I guess. Of all these guns, I have to say that the Vudoo outshoots them all. However, I had to return the gun to VGW for some adjustment, but now, it really performs. I got rid of most of the Annies except one of the last 1903 MPRs made and a 1710 Competition. These are the latest ones purchased and I'm still trying to get the right ammo and technique to see how good they are. Some days, the 1903 does show lots of promise. The CZ? It's mounted in an MDT chassis and shoots very well if I do my part. This rifle is no slouch. All that said, did I really have to buy all these guns? NO! If I stuck to one of them and practiced, developed my inconsistent technique and matched the right ammo to it, I could have a winning combination. For competition shooters, once you get into the upper stratosphere of near perfect scores, then your rifle had better have something better than a production out of the box gun. Depending on what type of competition you shoot will determine what kind of gun you need. For me, I shoot informal benchrest and if I had to choose one of my guns, it's the Vudoo.
P.S.-Wisner # 65-142 magazines can work in Anschutz rifles with a minor modification. They cost $20
BLUF - buy the Vudoo if you can.

I'm left handed and that does impact my rifle selection. I have two Anschutz 1761's, an 18" Sporter (2200+ rounds) and an MPR (1900+ rounds), I currently have one Vudoo with a 20" MTU (4800+ rounds) and another one with a 20" Kukri carbon fiber on order (scheduled delivery the end of August 2022). CZ hasn't made a left handed .22 since the 452 although there are rumors that they are going to release a lefty 457 "someday soon". I am shooting Lapua Center-X that was lot tested at Lapua in Marengo, OH for the Annie Sporter.

The Annie's are absolutely beautiful guns and the MPR is the most accurate rifle that I have ever owned staying under .3" for 10-shot groups at 50-yards off of the bench. The Vudoo stays under .4" most of the time and the sporter is a .5" gun. All of them shoot better than I do.

I bought my first Vudoo by getting a barreled action from Altus, adding a diamond tech trigger and stuck it in a KRG Bravo (the only left handed stock / chassis readily available. I have since tried an MDT ACC (before going back to the KRG Bravo) and the new Vudoo will come with a McMillan U-1 stock. I got the Annie Sporter because it was the only left handed .22 I could find and the MPR because I was joking with Danny at ANA that if they ever got a lefty MPR I wanted it - two weeks later he called and said they had it ready to ship to me.

I have no one within 100 miles serious about .22 and so had to do the very expensive "self-test" method to figure out what I like / think that I "need" in a quality .22LR.

Pro: - absolutely stunningly beautiful rifles. Very accurate. Fair handling.
Con: - the magazines occasionally stove-pipe rounds, completely randomly. No 10-round magazines.

Pro: - this rifle is absolutely idiot proof (and I am a well trained and experienced idiot). Very accurate, lots of aftermarket accessories. VGW support for anything I stupidly do to the rifle.
Con: they are expensive and you have to wait for one built from scratch.

My current Vudoo is visiting Lapua in August and my new one is going Thanksgiving week.
I have a Vudoo Three 60 in an MPA BA Comp chassis, TT Diamond, it shoots amazing...but it's heavy. Great for bench or PRS22 shooting, would never carry it in the woods. FWIW, since it was mentioned earlier, the MPA BA chassis can be bought in either left or right hand versions...pretty sure the older versions were left or right ambiguous, with a plastic plug (of some sort) to block the bolt cut out for the side not used.

I recently got an Anschutz 1416 AV (64) and should be picking up my 1712 AV (54) tomorrow. The Anschutz mags are stupid expensive, especially for what they are, little stamped/folded metal mags...they work good, but dang with the cost. I bought three like new 10 round mags from a guy (I suspect is tuckybill here) on RFC, a 10rd and a 5rd from eurooptic. My 1416 shoots great, it has enough weight to shoot off the bench, but also light enough (6# 14oz with scope) to carry in the woods. I know the 1712 is going to be about a pound (or maybe a little less than a #) heavier, but still manageable to carry in the woods. Anschutz does make beautiful rifles.

The LGS has a CZ Varmint MTR coming in soon; I will look it over but doubt I'll spring for it, since the Anschutz acquisitions.

ETA: There is a "loose nut" that connects the rifle to the trigger shoe with all of my rifles, if that could be remedied, they would all shoot amazing...but I'm defective.
Private Meplat,

I have an MTR that I have re-sprung and lapped the trigger sear. It breaks crisp at about 7 oz. I like nearly everything about it except
for it's cold bore issue. I used 9 and 3 micron aluminum oxide film to lap the trigger blade only. I also replaced the small round knob
with a Vudoo knob. It is a much better size, weight and length. I would certainly use an ARAE 419 clamp on type scope mount.
Some others that use set screws push into the top of your receiver causing damage. If you go that way, put some #7 lead shot
into the screw hole to prevent damage. Sure you could use a brass tip screw but they often leave brass ghost marks behind.

You may also like a trigger shoe. An ACE #21 and #22 both fit the 457 trigger blade. Lastly, I have to suggest you get an extended
magazine release from Anarchy Outdoors. It's aluminum and the longest one on the market. Others are only .080" longer than
the factory release. With it, there is no more searching for the release. I grab the mag and pinch it between my thumb and index
finger and it comes out simply and blazing fast.

I used to hate the idea of single shot but I may like it best now. It's slow and relaxing.
I really liked the 700 foot print because I can personalize the gun to suit my every want or need. IE: the grip on my V22 could be
replaced with one that has an adjustable angle. From 17* to 33* I'm not stuck with someone else's idea of the correct angle.

Is your Bergara a B14R ?? If long term you were considering any 700 footprint .22LR, I may buy one of those. My steel barrel runs flawlessly,
cost me $975.00, shoots as well as the V22 did even while at Lapua. To be honest, I sent my Vudoo back a number of times due to accuracy
concerns that I had from day one. Fortunately I had kept a record of all of my emails and Paul took the entire package back.
I had wanted to keep it since I put it together exactly like I wanted it even down to the NRA blue color. It was that or USMC red. It was decided
to toss in the towel. Both the V22 and B14R shot .31"ctc at Lapua. It preferred Center X over Midas +. I may buy the B14R and over time
buy all of the 700 parts that will end up on your Vudoo. Mine as shown was 18 lbs. and $3300.00. Scope, silencer, bi-pod etc. XTRA...

A friend was looking to buy any Vudoo mags I had yesterday. Vudoo metal mags are very nice but I prefer the poly mags for ease of
loading and cost. I had two aluminum mags to try out and for photos. They are very pretty. It does nothing for accuracy but attractive
goes a long way. I don't know why Vudoo doesn't inscribe the logo into the poly mags like they do the metal mags. I had over
20 and the logo paint chipped off all of them.

PM me and I can get you information on the trigger lapping kit. It comes with the AO PSA lapping film, silicon, moly and four springs
sized in .014" or .018". Enough to do four 457 trigger jobs. If you do the trigger job, do your self a favor and sand down the ends of
the trigger pin to ease it's reinsertion. They usually suck to remove. You don't need to measure the pin. Your trigger blade is the perfect
gage. As soon as the blade slips over the ends, it's done. It's under 10 seconds with 220 wet / dry. Sell it when your Annie comes in.
The 457 trigger sear is very large so it virtually keeps itself flat and level. OR.... you could ask me about other things. MTR

If you get the Annie I suggest you get an ACE shoe #24 and the $75.00 extended magazine release. It looks much less refined than the
flush, difficult to find and operate release but it makes mag removal a joy and to me, it's worth every penny. I have have some 1416
repeaters I plan on selling.

I lean toward the longer old model Annie's like my 1971 Match. But I do all bench style shooting at this point. btw.... the 1971
Super Match is by far my most accurate gun.

I would ask yourself how willing you are to toss your Annie around ? Is it going in the GRS etc? The stock looks nice btw....

My Vudoo was in a MDT chassis and therefor everything related to it was fixable or replaceable. I liked that feature.

Best of luck....

Currently have an MPA'ed 455 18.5" , my wife has a bergara m14 mpa chassis and likely going to rebarrel that one. I am considering an MTR 457 since i have 8 magazines already, 3 beregra magazines, or a 1710 HB with a 23". I want it for prone and multiple position but not really into a single shot BR type at all. I know I am comparing rifles almost 2000-3000+$ apart..

I have a spare MPA matrix chassis but starting to like the idea of something like the GRS or Manners or foundation stocks to change it up. I dont want any more carbon barrels. I have a nice one on my PRC im happy with but staying away on 22 now. I also dont really care about 700 foot print. Id rather something I dont have to mess with much out of the box.

I guess my questions are knowing the cz will be at bottom of the trigger comparison

How does a cz457 MTR compare to a 1710 HB 23"? besides fit an finish is the rest absolutely night and day?
How does a Vudoo with the 22-23" barrel I probably cant get for 6 + months compare to a as delivered 1710 HB?

sorry if this is really 'out there' question wise.


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