50 BMG Primers

Tenx usually has RWS primers in stock.

I take it you are just getting started, since if you had seen a 50 case, the answer would be obvious. The Tenx guys have a lot of good info and are happy to share it.
Their RWS primers at Ten-X are up to $1 each. But just like divorce it costs a lot because it’s worth it. In this case in terms of MV variation. CCI 35 are responsible for SDs in the 30 fps range
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More info on primers for 50, assuming you're learning. Seating 50 bmg primers isn't so plug and play compared to smaller cartridges. No fun throwing away 20 dollars in primers because they didn't seat right. I highly recommend getting a go/no go gage and the K&M reamer. You will also want a chamfer tool that isn't too steep

Make sure the go gage slides in without tons of effort. Edges should be chamfered enough to prevent hang ups. Use the K&M tool with a hand drill until brass shavings stop coming out. Can take a number of passes before the depth is cut deep enough.

If you really want to get ahold of some, gunbroker has them but not cheap. Going rate used to .40 a piece for CCI 35, now a good deal is .60 but most available are close to 1.00


The RWS stuff is probably the nicest brass of any cartridge I have seen. Other than a mandrel, it requires no prep, and the primer pockets are perfect. Not cheap, though. Don't know how much Tenx wants for it these days.
If you guys are talking about removing the crimp from once fired factory loaded ammo, there is no better tool than the Lyman tool. I’ve tried everything. The Dillon Swager didn’t work. Nothing else worked
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If you guys are talking about removing the crimp from once fired factory loaded ammo, there is no better tool than the Lyman tool. I’ve tried everything. The Dillon Seaver didn’t work. Nothing else worked

I've been trying to buy one for a year. Have yet to find it in stock somewhere. Seems like it is out of production at the moment.
I've been trying to buy one for a year. Have yet to find it in stock somewhere. Seems like it is out of production at the moment.

Practically a scam web site. Lists stuff as available, but many complaints people never got what they ordered.
I hate to say this but I have used a drill with a bit and a drill bit stop to remove the crimp. Then deburring tool to clean it up. I can't remember the drill bit diameter off the top of my head.

Pats Reloading is one of the sources I use for .50 stuff. They are out of primers at the moment. You might call them and see when they expect to receive more. http://patsreloading.com/patsrel3/Items.aspx
Here is the chamfer that the Lyman tool makes. It’s the end on the right. I test how far to go with the PP uniformer on the left of the tool. When it barely fits I’m done. A drill bit may work too, esp if you could wind one the exact diameter of the pocket.


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