.50 BMG surplus ammo

Go BIG Corley

Jul 31, 2011
I am getting ready to go shoot my .50 BMG for the first time, I have some old milt. surplus and wondering how safe it is? most of it is pretty old and most is silver tiped which I believe is arrmor pierrcing incinerary rounds but I also have some yellow tip that I dont know what it is all the stamps say on it is 50 60? and the other concern I have is I can hear / feel the powder inside move? whats up with that?

thanks for any help, I am new to the forum and to .50 BMG. please be patient I still have alot to learn on both fronts.
Re: .50 BMG surplus ammo

As far as safety goes, I have shot some really really old ammo with no safety issues. That being said, I personally wouldn't screw around with old 50 bmg ammo. Something goes wrong and you are going to have a big problem. Just my opinion
Re: .50 BMG surplus ammo

If the powder sounds like there are chunks and sand it's got moisture issues. Just a healthy sand sound and it could be okay. I've seen yellow tip but don't remember spec. what it is. You are correct, silver = API.

Share some details about you rifle please.
Re: .50 BMG surplus ammo

Oh, one more thing. If the ammo marked 50 60 is a little taller than the API DO NOT try to fire it. It may be Russian 12.7x108.
Re: .50 BMG surplus ammo

I am glad you mentioned the length, some of the API (thats alot easier to type) looked like the bullet itself wasnt seated all the way. I messured the different rounds I have and this is how it all shakes out. Yellow is 5.435", silver is 5.401", factory spec. on standard .50 BMG ammo is 5.450" I also have some new Summit ammo just to compare against, it is 4.4255". I have read about some yellow tip being very inconsistant? really hot and some...slugs? is that right?...under charged.

As far as the powder moving, it dont sound like any chunks, just like sand. I have heared that this can be just from where the powder has settled and has more room inside? and there is no real danger or problem with that? does that sound right?

out of all this ammo I have some API as old as 1952 (TW52) and excluding thee new commercial Summit I have some API as new as 1995 (WCC95. The old and new er both have powder moving inside.

Once again, this is great you guys offering info like this! thank you all so much!
Re: .50 BMG surplus ammo

Your right about the sound. It is just the larger capacity of the case that makes every 50BMG round into a maracca.

I've shot about 90-100 rds of API out of my M96 with no only one pressure indication. Granted they are/were handloads and I was seeing how high I could go (By .2gr increments). Also, be careful about fires. I've seen one of mine pop up on the surface after hitting a rock in the ground (about 6-8" deep fyi) and you can really see the incendiary part at work.
Re: .50 BMG surplus ammo

Thanks for the heads up on the fire issue! that would be bad! 300 yards away and a fire insues! never really thought about it. good food for thought.

as far as the "maracca effect" that makes me feel alot better about that.

Re: .50 BMG surplus ammo

Hope this helps a little

50 BMG back row left to right: Mk211 Raufoss Multipurpose Round, SPOTTER round, "Silver tip" Armor Piercing Incendiary, "Blue tip" Incendiary, "Black tip" Armor Piercing, "SLAP-T" Tracer SLAP, "SLAP", "Red tip" Tracer, Ball
Re: .50 BMG surplus ammo

The picture does answer a few questions... although I am still wondering about the yellow tipped rounds with 50 60 stamped on them? if anyone has any info or can refer me to some where else to look for reference material it would be great.

Thanks again!
Re: .50 BMG surplus ammo

Copy qnd pasted this off of this web site:


"This cartridge with a solid yellow tip is a "Heavy Ball" produced in the Dominican Republic for "Light Armor Piercing" Most of the cartridges available have a head stamp that read: 50 (on the top) and 59(on the bottom). Minor spots on the cases, and clips on the yellow paint."

The only difference is mine has a 50 (on the top) and 60 on the bottom) not a 59. tthere seems to be quite the debate about this round? I recieved this message from a Faceboook reply "Joe , did some research for you and I found out that it is a spotter/ tracer round...I highly advise you to NOT shoot it out of your rifle."

So far the general opinion is "don't shoot it" that being said I probably will not but the debate and unsure answers does have me very currious as to what it acctualy is? Please keep the info coming and I will continue to research on my end. Heck I would just like to get 2 of the same answers twice.

I have taken a couple of pics of the round but unsure how to get them on here.
Re: .50 BMG surplus ammo

The yellow tip ammo that I have run across has been Dominican and I can say from personal experience it is no fun to shoot, it is loaded really hot.

I would not recomend firing it.
Re: .50 BMG surplus ammo

DR yellow tip is infamous in the .50 community for being bad stuff. Dispose of safely, do not shoot. Don't expect the components to necessarily be of safe quality either.