6.5 Creedmoor Barrel Length


Apr 18, 2020
Good evening all,

I’ll start of by apologizing now if I have posted this in the wrong section, or have started a posted a question that has been asked multiple times. I am a new member to this forum an have not completely figured out the search function.

What brings me to this forum is I am currently building an AR10 style 6.5 Creedmoor as I have nothing but time with all this social distancing. I am building it out of an Aero Precision M5 lower with an M5E1. I am currently at the barrel selection and I am undecided what to go with. My options are 18”, 20” and 22”. My goal is to utilize the full 1000+ yards at my local outdoor range.

Some research I’ve done showed that there was not much loss in velocity between the 20” and 22” but I figured instead of believing everything I read I would ask people who may have hands on experience.

Any advice, suggestions or Comments would be appreciate.


I’d be interested to hear what the experts have to say on this too. Does an 18” barrel reduce velocity enough to hinder accuracy at 1,000?
If your goal is 1000 and the only limitation to portability is getting it from the vehicle to the firing line, why give up any velocity? Look at the ELR guys. They're shooting LLLOOOOOONNNGGGGG barrels, because they just need to be able to lay down behind them. I'm not saying go 30+, but 24" is not terribly unwieldy for PRS and that is much more dynamic than shooting prone/bench on a manicured range. Given the stated goal, I'd go as long as possible. Apparently, 2" IS a big deal...?
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Looking myself at changing the barrel on my Larue UUkit. The kit came with 22" but 1in10 twist. It's mediocre.
I'm thinking 24" 1in7.5 Bartlien, LaRue missed the boat with 1in10. 140gr pills are sketchy and I'm finding 130's are more consistant, not the direction I wanted to go for distance.
I built a similar "all Aero Precision" 6.5 Creedmoor a few years back. I went with the 22" barrel for the reasons cited by other commentors...portability between the car and the shooting position was not affected by the extra 2".

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I just recently went with the criterion 22” and shooting the 123gr Eld’s with just tad less than 100 rounds down it I’m getting average velocity of 2800 and expect to see that speed up once Barrel wears in. Knowing velocities aren’t a huge concern of mine I’m probably going to cut to 18” since I always shoot with a can I like the mobility much better.
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I just started assembling a 6.5 Creedmoor and finally decided on the Criterion 18” nitride. I have one of their 16” CL .308 and run the hell out of it. They make some wicked awesome barrels.
I am no expert but 20" barrel for my 6.5 creedmoor Mossber MVP LC has been amazing and accurate.
I have been getting 2938FPS with it as well, I don't recommend to anyone to try for that fast because I am 6, 000 over SAAMI.
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I personally went 20 in and I've been happy with it. I DON'T SHOOT 1000 YD BUT according to my chrono I don't give up much compared to a 24 in.
Then your Chrono sucks so baaaaaad that they might repeal the law of gravity.
BTW, it doesn't take the integral f(x) by separation of parts to figure out that 100fps across the grain weight board
AIN't sumpin' to "don't give up much".
Now, Frank spanks ass @ 1.2Kyds with an 18" pipe with suppressor in high winds. Frank is good, da-da-damn good.
Larry, just poking the stick at you while at the supper table.
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24" is the basic velocity sweet spot off the bench, kinda, for the most part, for most paper, yada...

For HSLD, I'd go 18" with a good suppressor. You'll be good for 1.2K if you're good enough.
Other than that, call for fire or not let your target know that you are there.

With a DIY rifle with AP parts, don't waste time going fancy schmancy and have to wait for the pipe.
GET A DA-DA-DAMN Proof Research Carbon Fiber AR Pipe AVAILABLE NOW. PRshooters like the solid SS barrels.

If'n you reload, go Starline Brass Small Rifle Primer, CCI 450, Varget and/or H4350.
And no BS neck turning, no bushing dies, nothing more than:
Redding FLS dies combo, hell even with the micro seating depth die AT THE LEAST
or, my favorite
Whidden Dies (Just verify that he sent you a Good/Great/Mary Poppins Perfect Set)
My latest crazy CLICK set is kewl and perfect.

I've got 3 glasses of Merlot in me and I'm an old man. The older I get, the moar I know I was wrong in life.
Except for the little shit like: windage, women, bourbon and

Best to you.
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My Aero Precision came with the Ballistic Advantage 22". Shoots pretty well.

@ 100 yards Hornady about .75 MOA
aero prec 100 147eld.jpg

@300 yards with Hornady 140 gr American Gunner ...almost exactly 2" or 2/3 MOA

AeroPrec 6.5 creedmoor@300 140American gunner.jpg

Didn't care too much for the SIG ammo....4" or about 1and 1/3 MOA

AeroPrec 6.5 creedmoor@300 SigSauer.jpg
My Bergara has a 22”. I don’t shoot much past 500 since that’s all I have available, but I would say that the more velocity you have the better. Past about 700 the 6.5 starts dropping rapidly.
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Here is an update with accuracy for the 20" barrel on my Mossberg MVP LC 6.5 Creedmoor at 100 yards doing a load development. Top right on the colored target is .358" grouping, I pulled the last shot.
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I didn’t read all the comments, so this may have been touched on already, but keep in mind, as you go longer in length to gain speed, you’ll also want to increase the barrel profile to a heavier contour, generally.
Longer barrels are have greater moments, and thusly suffer from harmonics more. If you increase the mass you can dampen some of those harmonics.
Longer barrels CAN be harder to load for. Not a hard fast rule though.
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Random reference point I'll offer, I shoot two 6.5s, one is a 16.5in and the other is a 22in. Across various loads (120s, 130s, 140s), I averaged a 160fps decrease from the 22in to 16.5in, 2813 fps avg down to 2643 fps respectively. Shoot both at 1000yards regularly and get hits on steel, obviously the 22in bucks the wind a bit better.

Buy the best deal you can get and rock it.
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Random reference point I'll offer, I shoot two 6.5s, one is a 16.5in and the other is a 22in. Across various loads (120s, 130s, 140s), I averaged a 160fps decrease from the 22in to 16.5in, 2813 fps avg down to 2643 fps respectively. Shoot both at 1000yards regularly and get hits on steel, obviously the 22in bucks the wind a bit better.

Buy the best deal you can get and rock it.

Do you shoot the same load in both?