In the real world, yes, this is absolutely true. For the past 2 years, it has been the case. This was the only SR-25 in 6.5 that I could find for sale on the web: I observed one sell around 6 months ago for 12,000.00.
You can either bid on it for the minimum price of 15,000.00, or ensure this stallion is yours for the nominal price of 25,000.00!
As far as the precision statement goes, I have my personal experiences to draw upon. With that being said, my JP's are more accurate than my KAC's. I just had my LRP-07 re-barreled, and even while doing load development, multiple loads produce sub-half minute groups.
@JohnDeereGuy1996 is very close, and hopefully he gets there with some development, but it's just not there at this time.
One of my best friends was a Scout Sniper in the USMC, went into contracting after his career in the USMC. They had choices between an SR-25 and an LMT. He said out of 4 snipers on his team, not one of them could ever get the SR-25 to shoot as accurately as the LMT.
Lastly, I have been on these precision rifle forums for over a decade, and not once have I observed someone post pictures of a KAC that has shot a 5rd group under half a minute...and trust me, sir, I am a KAC fan boi, so I want to see it. I just haven't.
Please don't take me as someone shitting on your products, brother. I know who you are and KAC is a treasure to this industry that I appreciate so much. If you have some pics or some other data that shows my personal experiences are not consistent with regards to how KAC's can perform as precision rifles, I am absolutely welcome to eat crow and admit my opinion to be unadulterated horse shit.
In fact, if you want to PM me, I would love nothing more than to purchase an SR-25 in 6.5CM, or even get one to T&E, to prove myself wrong. Just not at those really, really high prices

I'd do an extremely thorough write-up of the adventure on the Hide too!