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Suppressors 6.5MM Suppressor: Which one?

Willie Miller V

Full Member
Jul 20, 2013
I’m wanting to get a 6.5mm can and looking at Surefire Socom 260-TI, TBAC Ultra 7 and Crux. All in 6.5mm, I have a Crux, SAS Arbiter MX, SilencerCo Omega 300, SEG Hancock 7mm, all in 30 caliber. I would like to have the Surefire 260 but I don’t know anything about it or have read anything about it. I know the TBAC is going to be a good choice.
If it were me, I believe I would get a .30 cal ultra 7. I have the ultra 9 and kinda wished I went with the 7.
Both going 9" and 6.5mm will make it quieter, but I don't know that the extra 2" or caliber limitations are worth it.
I have most of the tbac lineup, going back to the older ones- 7" and 9" in 6.5 and .30. I'm mostly shooting an ai/ax in 6br with a 9" Ultra 6.5.
Very quiet, noticeably quieter than a 7" in .30
You will likely buy more than one can, so one that sits in the middle like a 7" .30, while very good, isn't optimized.
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Like I’ve said I’ve got 3 fully auto rated cans in 30 caliber, 1 in 284 caliber and one 556 Reflex type. As far as rifles go, one GA Precision 300WSM another in 280 Ackley, and then several in 6.5 and 6MM. The latest build is a 6.5x280 Ackley Improved. The last can I mentioned was the Surefire 260Ti, so are you saying don’t get the Surefire can? I have plenty 30 cal cans that’s why I want to go with a 6.5mm can. My SAS can is 9”, Crux Ark 30 is 7.5”, Omega is even shorter. The 556 SAS Claymore is 8.5” but is a reflex type so it adds only 4-4.5” to the muzzle. The SEG Hancock Competition can is only 7” with a .284 bore. So I’m definitely going with one of the 6.5mm cans. Crux has the Axe at 6”x 1.375 and the Saxon 7.5”x 1.375” and then TBAC has the Ultra Series and then the Surefire Socom 260TI. I haven’t used or heard any of the TBAC or Surefire cans, but I know the Crux performs great and the TBAC is one of the best for sure. Recoil reduction, accuracy and POI shift are all important to me. I don’t shoot anything without a can ever, even a 22lr, except a shotgun dove or turkey hunting. I’ll never deer hunt without a can for sure. I am also kicking around the idea of getting a 338 can because of the large amount of volume for suppressing big cartridges, I’ve got a Desert Tech with 6 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrels but I’m going to have a 300 Norma barrel made so a large can would be needed I assume. Thanks for all the input and suggestions.
Like I’ve said I’ve got 3 fully auto rated cans in 30 caliber, 1 in 284 caliber and one 556 Reflex type. As far as rifles go, one GA Precision 300WSM another in 280 Ackley, and then several in 6.5 and 6MM. The latest build is a 6.5x280 Ackley Improved. The last can I mentioned was the Surefire 260Ti, so are you saying don’t get the Surefire can? I have plenty 30 cal cans that’s why I want to go with a 6.5mm can. My SAS can is 9”, Crux Ark 30 is 7.5”, Omega is even shorter. The 556 SAS Claymore is 8.5” but is a reflex type so it adds only 4-4.5” to the muzzle. The SEG Hancock Competition can is only 7” with a .284 bore. So I’m definitely going with one of the 6.5mm cans. Crux has the Axe at 6”x 1.375 and the Saxon 7.5”x 1.375” and then TBAC has the Ultra Series and then the Surefire Socom 260TI. I haven’t used or heard any of the TBAC or Surefire cans, but I know the Crux performs great and the TBAC is one of the best for sure. Recoil reduction, accuracy and POI shift are all important to me. I don’t shoot anything without a can ever, even a 22lr, except a shotgun dove or turkey hunting. I’ll never deer hunt without a can for sure. I am also kicking around the idea of getting a 338 can because of the large amount of volume for suppressing big cartridges, I’ve got a Desert Tech with 6 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrels but I’m going to have a 300 Norma barrel made so a large can would be needed I assume. Thanks for all the input and suggestions.

Thats a large jump from needing a 6.5 can to looking at 338’s. Now 6.5 does sound pretty good through something like the TBAC 338 Ultra, you just end up with more weight/length, but it can do everything.

I have a Surefire can, and the mounting system is robust, simple to use, and seems to be consistent. But if you are good with the way the TBAC attaches, I would pick them for a pure precision role because of their weight and quality of sound.
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I’m going to go ahead and get two more cans. One for 6.5 calibers and then one for 338 and 300 Norma calibers. I’m sure I can use one or two of my 30 cal cans for the 300 Norma, but I’m sure a 338 can would be better. I really like the Surefire 260Ti but I don’t know anything about them as far as the accuracy and sound reduction. I know my Crux does both excellent, of course I see everyone here aren’t fans of Crux. My SAS Arbiter MX would possibly handle the 300 Norma too.
As a Surefire fanboi, I have to say that they are super well built cans, but don’t offer the best sound reduction for their given cost. I trust my surefire to last until I can kill my KAC, and probably a second one, but it isn’t the most quiet can either.

And you are correct, the volume that a 338 can brings to the table for Norma is a big advantage, but something like the Ultra 9 from TBAC would also do well.
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i have 3 cans. ultra 7 in 6.5mm, ultra 9 in 30 cal and silencer co omege 30 cal. The omega i run on just about everything 308, 300wm .223 kinda the workhorse. nothing bad to say about it. Even with the lock ring it manages to come loose from time to time, just need to keep an eye on it. the 2 TBAC mainly keep for precision use, cant really tell the decibel difference between the two. I can switch cans from the two rifles built by area 419, 6.5x47 to 6mm cm, using the 419 adapters with very little point of impact change a 1k. Tbac is very well made added with area 419 built rifles is a great combo.
I'm in a similar situation and have narrowed it down to the Thunder Beast Ultra 7 and 9 for my 6.5. I have a Nomad in jail but want to buy a dedicated can for my 6.5 and already have the Area 419 Hellfire system. I could use the Nomad on larger calibers if need but for bolt guns I have no plans to shoot anything larger than 6.5. I'm getting in to PRS style matches and worry that the Ultra 7 will be too close to the Nomad to be of benefit and Ultra 9 will be too long on a 26 inch barrel.
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I'm in a similar situation and have narrowed it down to the Thunder Beast Ultra 7 and 9 for my 6.5. I have a Nomad in jail but want to buy a dedicated can for my 6.5 and already have the Area 419 Hellfire system. I could use the Nomad on larger calibers if need but for bolt guns I have no plans to shoot anything larger than 6.5. I'm getting in to PRS style matches and worry that the Ultra 7 will be too close to the Nomad to be of benefit and Ultra 9 will be too long on a 26 inch barrel.

you may find that running a supressor in prs matches throws you off your sight picture just a little bit more compared to a brake.
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I'm in a similar situation and have narrowed it down to the Thunder Beast Ultra 7 and 9 for my 6.5. I have a Nomad in jail but want to buy a dedicated can for my 6.5 and already have the Area 419 Hellfire system. I could use the Nomad on larger calibers if need but for bolt guns I have no plans to shoot anything larger than 6.5. I'm getting in to PRS style matches and worry that the Ultra 7 will be too close to the Nomad to be of benefit and Ultra 9 will be too long on a 26 inch barrel.

Guys are winning matches with the 338 Ultra on 6s and 26" barrels...

I have a 6.5 Ultra 7 and a 338 Ultra. If I did it again for the 6.5 Ultra, I'd go with the Ultra 9 if I even got a 6.5. The 338 Ultra is quieter and eats the recoil noticeably more.
9 inch 6.5 TBAC. I can definately tell a difference between a 9 and a 7 inch can or shooting a 30 cal can on a 6.5. Treat yourself and get a purpose built suppressor, instead of a "do all." For what it takes to own one, and the waiting, I'll just cut 2 inches of barrel off if length is a concern. The extra suppression is most definately worth it.
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Thank you for the feedback. Let's assume I stick with the Hellfire brake for PRS style club matches and go suppressed for fun long distance shoots. Mobility won't really be an issue there. With that in mind and some previous comments in this thread, the Ultra 9 seems like the way to go. Based off Ray's metering video - it appears that there's only about a 1dB difference between the Ultra 9 in 30 and 6.5.

With that being said, does it make sense to go 30 over 6.5 for the "just in case" flexibility down the road (300BLK, etc)?
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to be honest it scares me a bit to have the ability to put a 6.5 can on a 30 cal rifle. Hind sight i wish i did all 30 cal cans but i am down to one 308 and i keep the omega on it with their brake attach system as do all the others that host this can. All the other 6.5-6mm are set up with the 419 hardware on the ultra 7 and 9, so i would have to change up connecting hardware to put my 6.5 can on my 308.
Pretty interesting. Do you have any examples of the matches/who won? NRL/PRS/regional/etc? To get an idea of the level of competition at the matches won with the 338 ultra on 6s and 26” barrels?

Off of the top of my head, the 2018 MasterPiece Arms spring shootout was won with a 26 inch 6 x 47 l wearing a 338 Ultra. I believe the same shooter shot that at the other match he won. I can think of many others who run the 338 Ultra, but I'm not 100% sure of their barrel length. I do know of one high rank shooter that has run a 28 inch barrel with the 338 Ultra in the match. He has won at least one match but I'm not sure what he was shooting in terms of barrel length. I'm quite certain he would have had the 338 Ultra because he was one of the first to start using it. Several guys are running it with 6 Dashers, but I believe they used 24 inch barrels.
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Is there consensus here that is is a waste to get a 6.5mm can over a .30? Even if one was planning to leave it on a 6.5 or 6mm rifle exclusively?

It's only a waste of time if your goal is to want several cans and lots of stamps but honestly most guys can't seriously hear the diff in 1-2 dbs a 6.5 vs 30 cal version of the same can.
I have an Ultra 7 .30 in jail right now. I got it to run double duty on my Maten MKM that has 2 uppers, 6.5cm and 308. Since then, I now have an AIAX with 308 and 260 barrels it will see time on. I have the Area419 Hellfire adapters & brakes already for easy swaps. Looking forward to comparing it to the Ops Inc 3rd Model that goes on my 300wm and 260 R700.
Having both Ultra 7’s in the 30 cal and 6.5, I remember the 6.5 specific can having a slightly more dead sound than the Ultra 30 but not by much (using Hornady 140 gr. ELD-M out of a 24” barrel).

In hindsight I would’ve probably went for the 6.5 Ultra 9 to give the extra suppression incase I decided to get in the 6.5 PRC market.
Thanks Zak. I have two certs to use. My thoughts were to get a black 7” 6.5 as a dedicated can for my 6.5, and get a 7” .30 cal in FDE as kind of a toy for my other rifles. All of which are .30 and smaller. This way they are color coded. As to length, 7” just seems like an all around good comprise.
30 Cal TB Ultra 9... I run mine on 223, 6mm and 6.5mm. specifically got .30 cal to ensure no chance of ever accidentally sending round through baffles.

I use the CB mount for mine to swap back and forth between rifles. When removing and replacing can, POI shift is the same every single time (.25 MOA low) and groups are exactly the same or tighter than unsuppressed.
So if a guy were planning on buying two, would he order a 6.5 and a .30 or go with two .30cal cans, say a 7” and a 9”?

I'd get a 9" 6.5mm for max suppression and a 7" .30 for versatility. All kidding aside, I shoot a 6br w/9" 6.5 tbac and the neighbors don't complain. Mostly coyotes, raccoons on 5-10 acre lots where its legal, but you want to be a good neighbor.
Has anyone here had a chance to run the RMS2 Hopaii on their 6.5 yet?

I am curious to hear from those that have had a chance to use one compared to other cans that have been mentioned in this thread
I just picked up a Hopaii, but I shoot 6s not 6.5s and my FFL's range is an indoor one, so it will be a while before I can compare it to my 6.5 Ultra 7 in open air.

Yep, and if you need a shorter one, just wait and get an Ultra 5 in .30. I use that one on 6.5 and .30 alike and it's a great little can, but the Ultra 9 6.5 is where it's at for anything in that caliber. It makes my Grendel sound a lot like a suppressed .22, not kidding. And it weights practically nothing and was a noticeable improvement on the one it replaced. Also CS, etc., they're always on here answering the SAME questions with the SAME enthusiasm like it's the first time every time and they always make it right.

That Ultra 5 is really nice to have if you have other rifles in various calibers that use TBAC mounts and it's the titties for subsonic .300BLK in SBR's. Still sounds like a gunshot but all the bite has been taken out of the bark and it makes everything else more or less bearable. A great hunting can for sure and I keep it on the SBR I keep handy for HD.