62 ELD-VTs and twist rate


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Jun 15, 2019
Rocky Mountain Region
Has anyone shot these in very cold conditions?
Every stability calculator I use shows these bullets are Marginally stable in cold temps with an 8 Twist and great with a 7 twist.

I've been slaughtering yotes with this bullet in a 7 twist 223 bolt gun at 3250 FPS with a 26" barrel.
Shot 4 this past weekend in -5 degree temps at ≈ 2600’ in South Dakota.

I ask because I'm looking to go to a 22 GT in order to use a 20" barrel and squeeze out a tad more velocity, 3450.
Nothing wrong really with the 223, but it would be nice to shorten my barrel for faster shots and getting in and out of the truck or side by side with a suppressor doing sets.

My only concern is blowing up the bullets, but it hasn't done it yet with the 223 and from what I’ve been able to gather these bullets have been shooting better in the 7 twists. However, maybe I’m being bias based on my experience. I’d like to see others experience with this bullet and twist rates. They have been excellent on yotes.
If you have any gyro stability questions on a bullet that's in the 4DoF library, use 4DoF data table to get the SG #'s. It will be the most accurate stability calculator easily/freely available as it uses the physical/mass properties of the specific bullet in its calculations.

Should be fine at 1.3. Will have some AoA related drag but will likely still group fine. This was a 62gr at 3450 in a 1:8" twist.