6BR Pet load? (105 hybrid, cci 450, varget, Lapua brass)


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  • Nov 19, 2013
    I picked up BR barrel that was only supposed to have 400 rounds through it, but I could not get 109 Bergers to group with a darn. good chance my twist wasn't fast enough, (but not slow enough to account for as bad of accuracy as I was getting I would've thought).

    I've read a few times there are known 6BR loads that shoot well (not necessarily optimal) in most 6BRs, but I cannot find them now. Given the component shortage, I'm looking to shortcut my load development a bit.

    Anyone care to share a pet load using Lapua brass, 105 hybrids, cci 450 and varget that I can workup to?
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    30 gr varget, 105 hybrids 10k off had me consistently 0.3-0.5” groups no matter what. I used BR4’s and Fed 205m’s however. SD’s of 2 and ES’s of 5-7.
    I've read a few times there are known 6BR loads that shoot well (not necessarily optimal) in most 6BRs, but I cannot find them now.
    The home of all things relevant in 6mmBR accuracy:
    There are too many variables in barrels, chambers, twist rates, freebore, throats, etc...to use any of our exact load data. The standard 30 grains of Varget with 105 hybrids and a quality primer will work in any 6BR I have shot. Use 30 grains of Varget and seat bullets .0005 off, .0010 off etc...out to .0030 off the lands. Somewhere in there, the group will shrink to a onehole/cloverleaf size. Now you can tweek the powder charge on either side to get that perfect load for your rifle.

    I have reamers with 104 FB and 125FB in 6BR. Both are used depending on the bullet I want to shoot. The 104 FB is used most often for the 105 class of bullets.
    Check out Alex Wheeler's video on how to find your lands for seating depth.
    There are too many variables in barrels, chambers, twist rates, freebore, throats, etc...to use any of our exact load data. The standard 30 grains of Varget with 105 hybrids and a quality primer will work in any 6BR I have shot. Use 30 grains of Varget and seat bullets .0005 off, .0010 off etc...out to .0030 off the lands. Somewhere in there, the group will shrink to a onehole/cloverleaf size. Now you can tweek the powder charge on either side to get that perfect load for your rifle.

    I have reamers with 104 FB and 125FB in 6BR. Both are used depending on the bullet I want to shoot. The 104 FB is used most often for the 105 class of bullets.
    Check out Alex Wheeler's video on how to find your lands for seating depth.

    Yea, im not looking for exact loads just a more specific range, which everyone has helped in identifying (~30.0gr +/- .4). Now im just polling to see if theres a good range of seating depth to try and shave off a few shots of development (tough time and all).

    FWIW, there are many ways to skin the "find your lands" cat, but Im a big fan of Mark Gordon's:
    You can make any powder charge group well with seating depth. 1:8 is fine.

    Something is wrong (shooter or barrel, etc) if you can’t get them to shoot.

    Have never seen a 6br that wouldn’t shoot with 30.0 varget and .020 or so off lands.