6mm Ar turbo/predator starting loads with varget


Jul 22, 2018
Huntington , New York
Hey guys, after finishing my 6mm ar, I was wondering if anyone has any load data for 6mm ar turbo/243 lbc or 6mm predator. I found plenty of data for xbr 8208 and rl 15 but at the moment I only have mr2000, varget and h4350. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you.
It's because either Varget will be too compressed or you can't get enough in the case to get the higher velocity the case can provide. It's getting on the slow side of burn rate for this cases size.

H4895 has been my go-to and I've read 8208xbr does well, both have smaller kernals and the correct burn rates. For precision I'd stay away from the "other" temp sensitive powders, like for example AA2520, I lost 125 fps from mid summer to mid winter and thought my scope was broke, lol.

H4895 is compressed with my load but just barely at 2.245".

I'm getting 2870 fps out of a 22" barrel with 95gr SMK with 29.4 gr of H4895 and it is a warm load, so work up slowly!
It's because either Varget will be too compressed or you can't get enough in the case to get the higher velocity the case can provide. It's getting on the slow side of burn rate for this cases size.

H4895 has been my go-to and I've read 8208xbr does well, both have smaller kernals and the correct burn rates. For precision I'd stay away from the "other" temp sensitive powders, like for example AA2520, I lost 125 fps from mid summer to mid winter and thought my scope was broke, lol.

H4895 is compressed with my load but just barely at 2.245".

I'm getting 2870 fps out of a 22" barrel with 95gr SMK with 29.4 gr of H4895 and it is a warm load, so work up slowly!
Nice, I have a 22 inch barrel as well. At the moment those are the only powders I have, I have some 70 GR and 87 GR varmints. I just wanted a started load as I haven't shot the rifle yet. I will get some xbr 8208 in a few weeks for sure and then focus on precision. Its 50 degrees ATM and I'd love to get to the range this week . I have not yet shot the rifle. Thank you.
YMMV but in my opinion 8208 is a little too fast burn rate for this cartridge. It's great in the 6.5 Grendel but the 6mm bore and heavier bullets does better with a little slower burn rate. If you're wanting to buy a powder for this round, I'd look at H4895 or one of the ball powders like TAC or CFE223. All three of those perform very well in my 24" 243 LBC with 95-105gr bullets.
Wish I could help ya there; I have Varget too but haven't bothered to try it in my 243 LBC. IIRC, guys who've used Varget for this round report pretty low velocity, like 2600-2700 fps with 95's when the right powder will get you close to 3,000 or a little over. If you just want to shoot it and form some brass though, nothing wrong with trying it out.
I'm not sure where to start there either. I haven't used it, but from what I understand MR2000 might be more appropriate, I've heard it's similar burn rate to CFE223 which works great in this cartridge. Thats just a guess though and I have no load data for it either.
FYI, there's thread over at AS talking about CFE being one of the worst temp sensitive powders out there. It may give speed and be the appropriate burn rate but I wouldn't use it.

See my post above about temp sensitively, and remember there's barrel nodes, which I don't want to be weaving in and out of all year.
Steve what powders do you use for this round, and what kind of velocity do you get with them?

Temp sensitivity varies with different cartridges and loads. In some, like the 308 with 150-168gr bullets, I've seen pretty big temp sensitivity with CFE223. But with the 95gr VLD in my 243 LBC and my load of CFE223 (which averages 2925 fps), I've yet to measure a single round above 2950 or below 2900 in winter or summer here, and that's talking about extreme spreads, not averages. Then again, I'm not shooting this gun in -20 degree weather; more like 25-95 degrees min and max for me. For that temp range with this load, CFE223 is stable enough for my rifle to stay within the accuracy node for that load. YMMV, but don't assume till you try it.
Steve what powders do you use for this round, and what kind of velocity do you get with them?

Temp sensitivity varies with different cartridges and loads. In some, like the 308 with 150-168gr bullets, I've seen pretty big temp sensitivity with CFE223. But with the 95gr VLD in my 243 LBC and my load of CFE223 (which averages 2925 fps), I've yet to measure a single round above 2950 or below 2900 in winter or summer here, and that's talking about extreme spreads, not averages. Then again, I'm not shooting this gun in -20 degree weather; more like 25-95 degrees min and max for me. For that temp range with this load, CFE223 is stable enough for my rifle to stay within the accuracy node for that load. YMMV, but don't assume till you try it.

How long is your barrel?

I settled on H4895, there isn't much difference in my dope now, I just load 29.3 mid summer and 29.4 mid winter.

Back then, in the "summer", probably in the 80's temp wise, with AA2520, I pushed the velocity to 2925 fps, which was where the high node was, this was in 6mmART40, with 105 Amax in a 26" 8 twist. Looking back it was way too hot of a load but it shot well at the time I worked it up. There were later consequences for going this high but....

Come cold winter morning, not bringing my chrono, and not realizing the affects of temp sensitive powders, and granted I mistakenly picked one of the worst, that my dope was so far off I was hitting under a 10" plate at 600Y. I bought new NF rings, and a USO 3.2-17 since I really did think my cheap scope had broke. Long story short, I should have just tested how fast the velocity was.

That'd be a fun experiment for me to try CFE with 95's in my FatRat! Warm engine block, digital heat gun, vs letting the other ammo sit it the truck all night.
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My go-to loads are just a little bit less than I use with a 6BR. 28.5-29gr H4895 w/ 105, 27.5-28gr AR Comp w/ 105. Both work really well, and velocities are mid 2800's in a 26" tube.
How long is your barrel?

I settled on H4895, there isn't much difference in my dope now, I just load 29.3 mid summer and 29.4 mid winter.

24" barrel in mine.

H4895 works well too, 29.0gr does 2900 in my barrel with the 95gr Berger VLD-H, but accuracy actually wasn't quite as good as I got with CFE223. (That is not my normal experience with CFE223 in other cartridges, just this particular combination.)
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It's because either Varget will be too compressed or you can't get enough in the case to get the higher velocity the case can provide. It's getting on the slow side of burn rate for this cases size.

H4895 has been my go-to and I've read 8208xbr does well, both have smaller kernals and the correct burn rates. For precision I'd stay away from the "other" temp sensitive powders, like for example AA2520, I lost 125 fps from mid summer to mid winter and thought my scope was broke, lol.

H4895 is compressed with my load but just barely at 2.245".

I'm getting 2870 fps out of a 22" barrel with 95gr SMK with 29.4 gr of H4895 and it is a warm load, so work up slowly!

Agree with Steve here. H4895 is my go to for this size case. I use it in my 6mm FatRat (roughly equivalent to the AR Turbo)
Wow, 2925 fps, well I placed an order with Brownells for xbr8208 on the 5th and received a confirmation email. Now when I check order status, it says order cancelled? I give up. I just want to go to the range and shoot! I have h4350, varget and mr2000. Would I be safe starting with 25grains of any of these powders or 26gr. Is their a conversion chart. I can't wait another week to get powder and pay 30$ to ship a 25$ order.
So what is it you have, a 6mm Turbo, Turbo40, or 243 LBC. Definitely a difference between loads for the above.

I’ve had good luck with 29.5 gr Varget and 108 Berger BT’s in the Turbo40, as well as with 30.3 gr Varget with 105 Berger Hybrids in the Turbo40... BR4 primers, Lapua brass... both of those loads are on the upper-end/slightly-hot-side so approach them cautiously. 2770 & 2850 fps respectively with the above...

A thing you really need to watch with Varget in these calibers is its tendency to build nasty carbon rings. If left unchecked, the carbon rings will eventually lead to pressure spikes and related issues. So chamber and throat maintenance is important with this powder. AR’s hide pressure well... no ‘bolt lift’ to feel.
Really, lol rampedraptor said to stuff as much powder as possible with varget, which I did, and lost a finger tip. Just kidding, but I actually started with 29grains of varget with a 70gr bullet and it's a 6mm predator which I've yet to shoot.
243 LBC loads that I’ve worked up:

- 95gr Berger Target VLD, 29.2gr Varget, CCI450 primers, Lapua brass, 0.003” neck tension, 0.084” jump-to-lands. (2910 fps)
- Also a node at 28.6gr Varget, with everything else same as above ^^^ (2835 fps)
- 87gr VMax, 28.8gr Varget, Rem 7.5, Lapua Brass, 0.020” jump-to-lands. (2920 fps)

Pretty much nothing showed any accuracy for me with CFE223 or H4895 in this barrel.
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243 LBC loads that I’ve worked up:

- 95gr Berger Target VLD, 29.2gr Varget, CCI450 primers, Lapua brass, 0.003” neck tension, 0.084” jump-to-lands. (2910 fps)
- Also a node at 28.6gr Varget, with everything else same as above ^^^ (2935 fps)
- 87gr VMax, 28.8gr Varget, Rem 7.5, Lapua Brass, 0.020” jump-to-lands. (2920 fps)

Pretty much nothing showed any accuracy for me with CFE223 or H4895 in this barrel.

I'm impressed with that 95gr VLD velocity for Varget, that's right in the same velocity range I'm getting with CFE223. 24" barrel?
I'll have to give that a try. All out of 95's right now, but will try it with 105s.

I'm curious about the velocities you reported for the 29.2gr and 28.6gr loads above though - you posted higher velocity with the 28.6gr load. Typo (did you mean 2835 fps? seems like a big jump) or did you mix up the two loads?
...I'm curious about the velocities you reported for the 29.2gr and 28.6gr loads above though - you posted higher velocity with the 28.6gr load. Typo (did you mean 2835 fps? seems like a big jump) or did you mix up the two loads?

It was a typo, supposed to be 2835 fps for 28.6 gr.
It was a typo, supposed to be 2835 fps for 28.6 gr.

That makes sense. Is yours a 24" barrel?

Like I mentioned above, I decided to do some testing with Varget in my 243 LBC today. I'm pretty impressed at the velocities, and the burn rate vs density seems just about perfect for this cartridge - I was able to work up some pretty hot loads, and could have gone a bit over, but got good velocity with just a mild bit of compression when seating bullets.

This was not accuracy testing, just finding max pressure and velocity.

243 LBC
Hornady 105gr BTHP
Lapua brass
CCI 450 primers

I started at 27.5gr, this did 2600 fps.
Then worked up gradually to 29.5gr @ 2785 fps with some mild case head expansion. I'm hoping to find an accuracy node somewhere between 29.0-29.5gr.
I did try one at 29.8gr @ 2795 fps, but I think that was a little hot. (just more case head expansion, no ejector marks.)
Powder level on the heaviest charge in Lapua brass was right at the bottom of the case neck or a little below. Still plenty of room for more powder, but I'm not interested in making Grendel belted magnum cases.

I also tried some fireformed Winchester 7.62x39 brass at 29.0gr - that did 2845 fps for two rounds and loosened primer pockets on both. Way too hot, do not use that load. Powder level was near the bottom of the case neck, and could have easily fit more in for a very dangerous overload. (This Win brass apparently has less capacity than Lapua, but is similar to FC Grendel brass.)

Based on what I saw today, the advice given above about just using a case full of Varget is flat out dangerous. Very bad advice, do not follow. Varget appears to be a good choice for the 243 LBC, but don't try a case full of it with heavy bullets. Maybe that advice would be true with light varmint bullets, I don't know.
Yup, 24” barrel. Have you tried XBR8208 yet? I have a lb sitting on my reloading desk, but this barrel has been so finicky that I hesitate to waste more components chasing another powder when the results with Varget have been magnitudes better than the other powders I’ve tried.
I use 8208 in the 6.5 Grendel and a few other cartridges, but don't see a good fit for it in the 243 LBC and don't have any intentions of trying it. Maybe with light varmint bullets it would be appropriate, but I don't plan to use this one for that.
Recommended by who? Nobody I care to trust for load data, that I've seen. The 6mm Grendel is not the 6.5 Grendel, a good powder in one does not equate to a good powder in the other, despite what some people online seem to think.
6mm fat rat 6mmar turbo is tottaly diff animal vs grendel...imo 8208 is probably good for grendel..but even 6mmar more recomend 4895..id try rl16 before going to 8208
Recommended by who? Nobody I care to trust for load data, that I've seen. The 6mm Grendel is not the 6.5 Grendel, a good powder in one does not equate to a good powder in the other, despite what some people online seem to think.
Recommended by Harrison, I believe he is "constructor" on this forum. He is the owner of arperformance and Chambers the 6mm predator. I ordered 4895 on Tuesday when Brownells had no hazmat so it should be here next week.
Below the photo is what Whitley posted years ago about the 6mmAR. I had good luck with N540 but it is expensive, 8208 worked with 95gr bullets and produced some of the best velocity. The burn rate of 8208 is a little faster than 4895. RL15 and Varget are very close in burn rate. I have used both in several cartridges and the charges can almost be interchanged but always start lower. I agree with some of the others Varget and RL15 are bulky and limit max charge. That is one reason I have been using more N540.
When working up loads you need to watch the base of the brass carefully, if the brass shows a ring about .050 above the groove back off. Grendel brass is very thin and very unforgiving, it will rupture if pushed too hard. Photo below shows brass on the verge of rupturing.

Recommended Bullets: 85 gr. to 108 gr. 6mm BTHP Match Bullets (115 gr 6mm bullets are just too big, heavy and long - don't waste your time with them).

Primers Recommended: CCI BR-4 Primers or Rem 7 1/2 BR Primers. Note - Some other brands of primers have cup metal that appears to be thinner and some of these other brands of primers pierce easily in an AR-15.

Powder Charges:

27.5 to 28 gr. Hodgdon's H4895
28.5 to 29.0 gr RL 15
27.5 gr. IMR 4895
28.5 gr. N140
28.5 - 29.0 gr N540
28.0 to 28.5 gr. AA2520 (ball powder)
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Recommended by Harrison, I believe he is "constructor" on this forum. He is the owner of arperformance and Chambers the 6mm predator. I ordered 4895 on Tuesday when Brownells had no hazmat so it should be here next week.

LOL I know who he is. I won't be using any of that data in my 243 LBC, thank you. The picture of belted Grendel cases above is one of the common results of using powders that are too fast in burn rate and still trying to reach good velocity. 8208 may be good for the light-for-caliber weights, but I don't see much point in that with this cartridge; might as well just do a 6 PPC if you're going that route. I'll stick to heavy bullets with enough twist and the correct burn rates, thanks.
Quickload printout with 70gr Nosler. Note these are max suggested charges.
first is % of fill
2nd charge weight
4th est velocity
6th est pressure

Cartridge : 6 mm AR
Bullet : .243, 70, Nosler BalTip 39532
Useable Case Capaci: 34.102 grain H2O = 2.214 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 2.250 inch = 57.15 mm
Barrel Length : 22.0 inch = 558.8 mm
Predicted Data for Indicated Charges of the Following Powders.
Matching Maximum Pressure: 54398 psi, or 375 MPa
or a maximum loading ratio or filling of 100 %
These calculations refer to your specified settings in QuickLOAD 'Cartridge Dimensions' window.
C A U T I O N : any load listed can result in a powder charge that falls below minimum suggested
loads or exceeds maximum suggested loads as presented in current handloading manuals. Understand
that all of the listed powders can be unsuitable for the given combination of cartridge, bullet
and gun. Actual load order can vary, depending upon lot-to-lot powder and component variations.
56 loads produced a Loading Ratio below user-defined minimum of 90%. These powders have been skipped.
Powder type Filling/Loading Ratio Charge Charge Vel. Prop.Burnt P max P muzz B_Time
% Grains Gramm fps % psi psi ms
--------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Winchester 748 97.1 32.8 2.13 3273 97.7 54398 9034 0.952 ! Near Maximum !

Hodgdon BL-C2 99.6 34.2 2.21 3262 96.7 54398 9191 0.960 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant AR-Comp *C *T 100.0 30.4 1.97 3252 100.0 52987 8134 0.962 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 2520 100.0 33.1 2.15 3248 98.4 54121 8872 0.971 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H322 97.5 29.8 1.93 3233 99.5 54398 8459 0.955 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2219 91.7 29.8 1.93 3233 99.5 54398 8459 0.955 ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot Wild Boar 99.4 33.4 2.16 3231 95.2 54398 8966 0.958 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H335 92.0 31.6 2.05 3229 98.9 54398 8630 0.960 ! Near Maximum !

Vihtavuori N530 *C 97.3 30.8 1.99 3217 96.9 54398 8710 0.961 ! Near Maximum !
ReloadSwiss RS 40 95.2 30.5 1.98 3207 98.1 54398 8519 0.962 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4895 100.0 * 31.4 * 2.04 * 3206 *95.5 * 52501 8929 0.979 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 8208 XBR 99.3 * 31.2 * 2.02 * 3204 * 96.7 54398 8600 0.962 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-10x *C 94.9 28.1 1.82 3202 100.0 54398 7986 0.971 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex D073.5 95.5 32.2 2.09 3200 97.7 54398 8550 0.980 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 2460 95.2 32.2 2.09 3200 97.7 54398 8550 0.980 ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S341 100.0 33.8 2.19 3194 94.9 53982 8624 0.963 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 2495 100.0 30.8 1.99 3192 99.8 49995 8679 1.027 ! Near Maximum !

Accurate 2015 97.7 29.4 1.90 3184 100.0 54398 7929 0.977 ! Near Maximum !
SNPE Vectan SP 7 100.0 33.7 2.19 3182 92.5 54398 8676 0.971 ! Near Maximum !
Norma 200 *C 91.1 28.0 1.81 3181 100.0 54398 7792 0.987 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 2230 94.5 32.2 2.08 3178 96.1 54398 8438 0.973 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2210 92.1 29.9 1.94 3172 97.5 54398 8284 0.966 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex D073.6 100.0 32.4 2.10 3171 97.6 49915 8727 1.007
Ramshot TAC *C 98.4 33.4 2.16 3170 91.8 54398 8642 0.967 ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot X-Terminator *C 96.0 32.2 2.09 3168 95.0 54398 8465 0.969 ! Near Maximum !
Norma 202 *C 100.0 30.9 2.00 3163 98.4 50809 8508 0.994 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4198 93.8 26.4 1.71 3159 100.0 54398 7393 0.954 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon Benchmark 97.8 30.3 1.96 3159 97.4 54398 8200 0.967 ! Near Maximum !

Vihtavuori N130 *C 97.3 28.6 1.85 3139 100.0 54398 7513 0.972 ! Near Maximum !

Hodgdon H4198 90.4 26.7 1.73 3128 99.3 54398 7589 0.959 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 3031 100.0 29.4 1.90 3127 98.9 45219 8574 1.031
IMR 4895 100.0 31.4 2.04 3126 93.4 47256 8915 1.023
Norma 201 *C 100.0 30.8 1.99 3125 95.9 50200 8514 1.013 ! Near Maximum !

Ramshot Big Game 100.0 33.5 2.17 3100 92.4 46436 8774 1.021
Vihtavuori N120 *C 91.7 26.3 1.71 3100 100.0 54398 6817 0.974 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon CFE223 *C 100.0 34.3 2.22 3099 90.7 46399 8899 1.021
ReloadSwiss RS 52 100.0 32.5 2.10 3092 94.6 44085 8897 1.043
Vihtavuori N540 *C 100.0 31.8 2.06 3089 97.6 47242 8414 1.025
Alliant Reloder-15 *C 100.0 31.4 2.04 3085 92.2 46251 8702 1.034

Vihtavuori N140 *C 100.0 30.8 2.00 3074 98.1 47494 8069 1.022
Norma 203B *C 100.0 31.4 2.04 3070 92.7 45315 8673 1.044
Vihtavuori N133 *C 100.0 28.8 1.86 3060 99.7 49219 7501 1.007

IMR 4320 100.0 30.9 2.00 3015 91.6 44290 8230 1.041
Hodgdon H380 100.0 32.1 2.08 3006 89.2 43977 8415 1.063
Accurate 4064 100.0 30.8 1.99 3000 96.7 41116 8504 1.120

Hodgdon VARGET *T 100.0 * 30.4 * 1.97 * 2985 * 91.0 * 44076 8076 1.052
IMR 4064 100.0 29.7 1.92 2956 90.9 42914 7940 1.069
edited to remove powder we can't get in the US
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I've used 2000-mr and cfe for the 108 ELDs in my 6mmar.
Got higher velocity than H-4895 and good accuracy.
I use XBR for the sierra 95 TMK's and hornady 75 grain v-max's.
I've got half inch with the TMK's and v-max.
The 108 ELDs go around 3/4 inch at 100 yards using 2000-mr and cfe going up to 31 grains.
Over that pressure got more than what I'd use.
H-4895 is very consistent.
I get a little better accuracy with 108 ELDs than cfe or 2000-mr.
Set for max of 52000psi and using an OAL of 2.24"
fill ratio/charge weight gr/charge grams/vel/pro burnt/psi/psi at muzzle/time in ms
Alliant AR-Comp *C *T 103.4 30.5 1.98 3395 100.0 51398 8053 0.924 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP11 TZ *CT approximation 102.8 30.5 1.98 3395 100.0 51398 8053 0.924 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 2495 105.0 31.4 2.03 3368 99.2 50538 8582 0.969 ! Near Maximum !
Nitrochemie A/S 0300 91.2 28.6 1.85 3363 99.8 51398 8103 0.933 ! Near Maximum !
Winchester 748 99.3 32.6 2.11 3361 95.3 51398 8611 0.929 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon BL-C2 102.0 34.0 2.20 3352 94.1 51398 8727 0.936 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 2520 102.8 33.1 2.14 3350 96.4 51398 8526 0.944 ! Near Maximum !
SF033 fl, russ. 5,45x39 94.7 29.5 1.91 3347 100.0 51398 7706 0.946 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex D073.6 105.0 33.0 2.14 3345 96.3 51147 8517 0.945 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2219 93.8 29.6 1.92 3336 98.0 51398 8177 0.930 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H322 99.8 29.6 1.92 3336 98.0 51398 8177 0.930 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4895 103.4 31.5 2.04 3328 93.2 51398 8548 0.941 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H335 94.1 31.3 2.03 3327 97.1 51398 8288 0.935 ! Near Maximum !
Norma 202 *C 104.5 31.4 2.03 3326 97.1 51398 8303 0.941 ! Near Maximum !
SNPE Vectan SP 10 93.5 30.5 1.98 3322 97.0 51398 8262 0.939 ! Near Maximum !
PB Clermont PCL 508 *C (PCL223) 93.5 30.6 1.98 3321 97.0 51398 8250 0.940 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-10x *C 97.1 28.0 1.81 3316 99.8 51398 7850 0.946 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2206H 103.5 31.6 2.05 3314 92.4 51398 8480 0.942 ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot Wild Boar 101.6 33.1 2.15 3314 92.2 51398 8457 0.936 ! Near Maximum !
PB Clermont PCL 507 *C 100.4 32.0 2.07 3313 94.2 51398 8359 0.938 ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S321 98.6 32.4 2.10 3312 94.6 51398 8405 0.944 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N530 *C 99.4 30.5 1.98 3305 94.3 51398 8276 0.938 ! Near Maximum !
SNPE Vectan SP 9 104.1 32.8 2.13 3303 92.3 51398 8366 0.937 ! Near Maximum !
ReloadSwiss RS 40 97.2 30.2 1.96 3298 95.9 51398 8137 0.940 ! Near Maximum !
Norma 200 *C 93.2 27.8 1.80 3296 99.9 51398 7687 0.963
I know this is an older thread, but I am looking for load info on 243 lbc/ 6ar using 95gr Bergers and TAC powder...I have Varget, Lever Evolution(? on another site) Tac and RL15.....Will be looking for some CFE223 to try, but have had good results with TAC in other calibers...Thanks for any info....rsbhunter