6mm Arc/Lee powder throw/Area 419/LEVERevolution


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Apr 4, 2020
Hey fellas
So I got around to loading some 6mm ARC today for the first time and after my research LEVERevolution sounds like the powder to use. I have a FX120i scale with all the Area 419 accessories. My problem is the V2 autothrow with my Lee perfect powder measure binds up with LEVERevolution. It will cycle maybe 3 or 4 times then the motor doesn't have enough power to turn it making that shitty grinding sound and powder comes out of the seem where the Lee rotates. Is this common with fine powder? Is there a fix? I ran some benchmark through it last week and it worked fine.
Ball powders are an issue with that thrower, benchmark is a different animal.

If you have a conventional thrower, that's what I'd try with Lever, you might be surprised at how tight the velocity holds.
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