6mm creedmoor w/ h4831sc


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Feb 13, 2017
Birmingham, AL
Hi all, I just picked up my first 6mm and will be trying h4831sc first with some 105 bergers. If anyone has any experience with this combo or some other bullet combo with h4831sc, I would greatly appreciate the help. I am going to start load work up this weekend, but would also like to know where I should expect some good nodes.

I seem to be at a node at 44.0-44.3 grains with a 105 RDF.

Decent accuracy (gas gun) with very low SD.

Getting 2940 but that's a 22" semi-auto barrel.
4831sc will work for you, not optimum powder though. All guns diff, but 45.5-46gr should yield 3100fps, do not start there though. You're not going to get even close to a full powder burn though, it's dependent on charge and barrel length. The more powder, the more efficient, just like pistol cases. If you run a can, your unburned powder will burn in the can making the can hotter than hell.
4831sc will work for you, not optimum powder though. All guns diff, but 45.5-46gr should yield 3100fps, do not start there though. You're not going to get even close to a full powder burn though, it's dependent on charge and barrel length. The more powder, the more efficient, just like pistol cases. If you run a can, your unburned powder will burn in the can making the can hotter than hell.

Wow, I did not realize 4831sc could be taken that high. My node is around 44.2 grains, think I should bother trying to find a higher one? May not be worth it with only a 22" barrel.
Wow, I did not realize 4831sc could be taken that high. My node is around 44.2 grains, think I should bother trying to find a higher one? May not be worth it with only a 22" barrel.

If your load works, why mess with it, no way would I shoot a gas gun that hot. I'm going off friends data, and some testing of my own, personally, would not be the powder of my choosing, Creed case falls between the 6.5x47 Lapua and the 260 for case capacity, to small for slower powders, big enough where faster powders like H4350 reduce barrel life.