Gunsmithing 6mm Dasher reamer specs, What to order


Full Member
Mar 22, 2014
Central Texas
I'm going to be ordering my own 6mm Dasher reamer. I'm going to chamber 4 different rifles with same chamber. I currently have three rifles in Dasher with three different reamers from different smiths. (.104 to .150 freebore, no idea on the rest of the reamer specs) Its a pain at the reloading bench. One of the chambers my Redding dies wont size the base down enough I have to run it through a small base die. I want to avoid that.

Mostly would say PRS style shooting

I'll be using Lapua brass, no turn necks.
.130ish freebore I was thinking.

What else will I need to tell JGS when I order a reamer. Thanks

If you have one for sale, I could be interested
That's all you will have to know to order a reamer is the neck diameter and freebore length. I'd say you are on the right track. .120 freebore is just about perfect for 105 Hybrids. I have had great results with .104 freebore also.