6x45 (6mm-223)

I run 75gr V-max with a moderate load of 25gr of X-terminator in two uppers. If you go to predatormasters, they have a sticky with some load data. Also Ramshot has load data. I believe Hodgdon has it on their website as well. I really like the round. It gives you a bit more energy at mag length due to heavier bullets for the same COL.
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I run 75gr V-max with a moderate load of 25gr of X-terminator in two uppers. If you go to predatormasters, they have a sticky with some load data. Also Ramshot has load data. I believe Hodgdon has it on their website as well. I really like the round. It gives you a bit more energy at mag length due to heavier bullets for the same COL.

the 87's have a great bc. DO you know if they fit the mag?
My belief is that it depends on the 87's, but I have not used them myself so can't say for sure. I have heard the 87gr V-max does not, but the 87gr hornady BTHP does. I ordered a very large quantity of 75gr V-max blems from Midway a while back when they had them for $9 per hundred, and when I target shoot it is with a 223 bolt gun or a 243 (ordered a large quantity of 105 blems for $10 per 100 at the same time). Consequently I have not played much with other bullets in 6x45. That said some 100gr sp bullets can fit mag length and get about 2400 fps from a 20" barrel, so I think you will just have to play and see.
Not to be contrarian or a smart ass....

What does the 6mm-223 do that 223 doesn't?

Just curious!

I know some people that use it in competition because it has the low recoil of a .223 for good follow up shots but yet meets the 6mm minimum requirement that some matches require. There may be other reasons, but that is one that I know of.
Not to be contrarian or a smart ass....

What does the 6mm-223 do that 223 doesn't?

Just curious!

Like mentioned, some comps have a 6mm min. Otherwise, it has a better impact signature than a .223 at longer distances and better bc on the bullets used.

Compared to other 6mm or 6.5mm it has longer barrel life since you get about 25gr of powder only.

I'm in the process of getting parts for mine and planning on using 95gr smk going on a bolt gun.
Not to be contrarian or a smart ass....

What does the 6mm-223 do that 223 doesn't?

Just curious!
Depends on what you are using it for. I use mine for hunting. For me, it hits game a little harder and meets the 6mm minimum requirement some states have for deer while still using the ar-15 platform, with standard bolt face, mags, and cheap brass. I am not saying a 223 won't kill deer, just the 6x45 is slightly better at that job.
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I built one up for varminting. Had an area in CA that was covered with ground squirrels, but you'd still occasionally run into coyotes. I wanted something that was easy on barrels to cover the large volume of shooting that we had with the squirrels, and would still have a bit more thump for coyotes. Scraped the 22-250 as it's too hard on barrels and ammo expense would become prohibitive. The 6x45 was the perfect solution. Surplus brass by the ton, ridiculously easy to form and load for, very easy on the bore and still hit harder than the standard 223 at typical hunting ranges. I built one up on an M70, and have been quite happy with it over the years. Not as good a long range cartridge as the 223 since the 77-82 grain bullets hit the market, but still fine for the job I intended.
Hi folks. I am new to the forum and always interested in any developments around the 6x45. Any progress with those loads?
For me the best results have been with AA2230 on the lighter bullets, H4895 on medium and CFE on the heavy side including VLDs.
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Not to be contrarian or a smart ass....

What does the 6mm-223 do that 223 doesn't?

Just curious!

The heavier bullet smacks the steel targets a little harder, so it is easier for the spotter to quickly recognize hits on distant steel targets. With the 5.56, it gets sort of hard to recognize hits on a heavy steel plate after 400-500 yards.
What does the 6mm-223 do that 223 doesn't?
Just curious!

Not to discredit the merits of the venerable 223rem that is a very accurate and appropriate round for many purposes
but the 6x45 provides a nice alternative to alleviate some the 223r. shortcomings.

Here some facts...

- When it comes to tactical and hunting applications the 6mm bullet selection starts where the .224 ends.
- Some 90gr bullets are comparable in length to tipical .224 69gr / 68gr match bullets.
- At 5.56 pressures the 6x45 can move a 90gr fmj bullet at 2750fps from a 20" barrel. That with a G1 coefficient of .4 puts a ballistic trajectory close to an M80 round
with more energy on target (and specially speed) at 100 to 600 yards than several other popular options like 7.62x39, Whisper/BO, 7.62x40, etc...
- The round is inherently accurate and hard to mess up. Many accurate loads. One can piss inside a case and still can produce MOA and below.
- It makes a carbine hunting legal in many places the .224 caliber is not allowed for hunting.
- As you can see it exposes similar ballistic path with typical match loads but the extra sectional density and added 20% to 30% of energy on target gives a substantial gain
in terminal performance.
- Bergers 87gr and 95gr VLDs provide amazing options for long range extending the transonic range close to 1000 yards.
- 105gr are avaialbe at VLD length loading from VLD magazines. These shoot flatter and further than popular 6.5 options like LBC and grendel and they are a great
value for training.

Your Input Variables
Ballistic Coefficient 0.4 Velocity (ft/s) 2750 Weight (grains) 90
Maximum Range (yds) 1000 Interval (yds) 100 Drag Function G1
Sight Height (inches) 1.5 Shooting Angle (degrees) 0 Zero Range (yds) 200
Wind Speed (mph) 10 Wind Angle (degrees) 90 Altitude (ft) 500
Pressure (hg) 29.53 Temperature (F) 59 Humidity (%) 0.78
Ballistics Results - 6x45 90gr fmj 20" AR
Muzzle 2750 1511 -1.5 0 0 0 0 0
100 2531 1280 2 -1.9 -0.6 0.9 0.8 0.2
200 2322 1077 0 0 0 3.4 1.6 0.5
300 2123 900 -8.4 2.7 0.8 8 2.6 0.7
400 1934 747 -24.6 5.9 1.7 14.9 3.6 1
500 1756 616 -50.1 9.6 2.8 24.4 4.7 1.4
600 1591 506 -87 13.8 4 36.8 5.9 1.7
700 1440 414 -137.6 18.8 5.5 52.5 7.2 2.1
800 1306 341 -205 24.5 7.1 71.8 8.6 2.5
900 1194 285 -292.8 31.1 9 95 10.1 2.9
1000 1105 244 -405.3 38.7 11.3 121.9 11.6 3.4

Anything larger than 77 or 80gr is not practical in a .223 case. It takes too much real state.

Your Input Variables
Ballistic Coefficient 0.35 Velocity (ft/s) 2900 Weight (grains) 68
Maximum Range (yds) 1000 Interval (yds) 100 Drag Function G1
Sight Height (inches) 1.5 Shooting Angle (degrees) 0 Zero Range (yds) 200
Wind Speed (mph) 10 Wind Angle (degrees) 90 Altitude (ft) 500
Pressure (hg) 29.53 Temperature (F) 59 Humidity (%) 0.78
Ballistics Results - 223 68gr hpbt 20" AR
Muzzle 2900 1270 -1.5 0 0 0 0 0
100 2642 1054 1.8 -1.7 -0.5 0.9 0.9 0.3
200 2398 868 0 0 0 3.7 1.8 0.5
300 2167 709 -7.8 2.5 0.7 8.6 2.8 0.8
400 1949 574 -23.1 5.5 1.6 16.1 3.9 1.1
500 1746 460 -47.5 9.1 2.6 26.6 5.1 1.5
600 1559 367 -83.4 13.3 3.9 40.4 6.4 1.9
700 1392 293 -133.7 18.2 5.3 58 7.9 2.3
800 1249 235 -202 24.1 7 79.9 9.5 2.8
900 1135 195 -292.6 31 9 106.2 11.3 3.3
1000 1051 167 -410.3 39.2 11.4 136.5 13 3.8

As you can see at any range it produces more energy and speed than fashionable 308 options.

Your Input Variables
Ballistic Coefficient 0.29 Velocity (ft/s) 2350 Weight (grains) 110
Maximum Range (yds) 1000 Interval (yds) 100 Drag Function G1
Sight Height (inches) 1.5 Shooting Angle (degrees) 0 Zero Range (yds) 200
Wind Speed (mph) 10 Wind Angle (degrees) 90 Altitude (ft) 500
Pressure (hg) 29.53 Temperature (F) 59 Humidity (%) 0.78
Ballistics Results - 300 whisper/blackout 110gr 16" AR
Muzzle 2350 1349 -1.5 0 0 0 0 0
100 2076 1052 3.3 -3.2 -0.9 1.5 1.4 0.4
200 1822 810 0 0 0 6.2 3 0.9
300 1590 618 -13.8 4.4 1.3 14.8 4.7 1.4
400 1387 470 -41.5 9.9 2.9 27.9 6.7 1.9
500 1218 363 -87.4 16.7 4.9 46.1 8.8 2.6
600 1094 292 -156.7 24.9 7.3 69.5 11.1 3.2
700 1008 248 -255 34.8 10.1 97.4 13.3 3.9
800 945 218 -387.6 46.3 13.5 129.2 15.4 4.5
900 894 195 -559 59.3 17.3 164.3 17.4 5.1
1000 850 177 -774.5 73.9 21.5 202.6 19.3 5.6

So in fact the 6x45 does many things better than the .223r.

One might even think that the 6x45 or something similar would make a great service round.
The chinese are already ahead of the game with the 5.8x42 but we can do better.
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