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7.62X54R for the NDM-86


Jan 13, 2024
Hey everyone, first post here. I am looking for some input on developing a load for my NDM-86.

First things first. I reload for a bunch of other calibers so I am initially interested in using components I have on hand and then make changes from there.

Brass: new and once fired PPU
Primers: Winchester LR
Powder: IMR4227, H335, W231, W296, and W748.
Projectiles: .311 148gr pulled from surplus.

I recently moved and I recall some other pulled surplus projectiles that were .311 and in the 174gr range? But I haven’t unpacked that box yet.

So, any thoughts on an initial load or a different powder to swap? Thanks for the replies!

Scroll down acouple links and there is a plethora of threads on load data for 54
I looked through those. I didn’t see any NDM-86 data. I was under the impression that the barrels were different from the SVD so I was asking specifically to the NDM-86. Also none of the other posts referenced my on hand powders. In my research I only found a load for one of them. I am just starting out loading for it but wanted a baseline and direction on what powder would be good for it.
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My apologies. It didn't even register you were loading for a semi-auto. I'm not familiar with the gas systems on those rifles. I would assume start 1-1.5 grains below what the bolt gun loads are and work up.

More then likely someone with knowledgeable experience will show up soon. I wish you the best in your endeavors.
Thanks for that link, I will need to figure out searching here for sure!

I would say 7.62x54R is closer to .308 than 30-06.

I inherited it from my grandfather who stacked Russian and Chinese ammo for it but some is old and starting to corrode. The value of that rifle has also gone through the roof so I was thinking I may need to work up a load for it, however I may also be overthinking it a bit. A while back I read that the Chinese reverse engineered their copy when they made the NDM-86, but didn’t have the newly developed Russian ammo for it so they weren’t getting great results. So they tweeked the barrel twist for their ammo. So SVD data may not be the optimum way to go. Of course like all things on the internet I could be wrong and as I said just over thinking it. Thanks for those links though. I will look them over for sure.
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You are definitely right in having to work up a load for it. I wish I was more help. I've loaded alot for bolt rifle and a fair amount for 556 semi-auto. But never for a 7.62x54R.
I would stay with powders in the 4895 speed range. They seem to work way better in Mosins. I am sure there is a pressure spec for the gas port like all other semi autos. Most will need to stay in the 4895 range to work.
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The closest powder to 4895 I have on hand is H335. Of course the load data uses a .308 150 boat tail so just a slight difference from my .311 148 hollow base

Bullet: 150 GR. NOS BT
Diameter: 0.308"
Case: Norma
Primer: Federal 210M, Large Rifle Match
Powder: H335 46.0 2,751 - 49.5 2,918

That’s the thing about most published loads. Most use .308 bullets instead of .311
I reload for my KBI SVD using the 174gr SMK and 200gr Lapua D166. I've stuck with IMR4064, as it's what I have on hand, but I've seen a number of powders used by others that fall in the same burn rate for other 30-06 sized cases. I'm nowhere near max for 7.62x54R load data, as I presume much of that was built up using a universal receiver and not an expensive gas gun, but the below have each given me ~2MOA sized groups over many range trips. That's about all I'd expect out of the SVD/NDM system.

174gr SMK
45.4gr IMR4064
1 x fired PPU
OAL: 2.940"
No crimp

9rd group

Lo: 2499
Hi: 2535
Avg: 2511
ES: 36
SD: 12.1

10rd group

Lo: 2494
Hi: 2537
Avg: 2511
ES: 43
SD: 11.7

10rd group

Lo: 2493
Hi: 2521
Avg: 2508
ES: 28
SD: 10.4

200gr D166
42.7gr IMR4064
1 x fired PPU
OAL: 3.00"
Fully closed Lee FCD into band

9rd group

Lo: 2290
Hi: 2308
Avg: 2297
ES: 18
SD: 6.8
Thanks for that info. Even with surplus loads it has more accuracy than I have skills. Like you said these are not cheap. Along with the fact that my local range is 200 yards so I was not looking for a long range MOA load. Just a good quality load that isn’t hard on the rifle.