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Had a land owner call and complain about hogs tearing up his pasture. I wasn't comfortable taking paying customers on this particular hunt so I invited the land owner. He had a calf and mother die during a delivery 20 minutes before I arrived. Needless to say it became a solo hunt. 7 hog were recovered and here is a video of the last ones last few seconds.. I used a Panther DPMS with a Scorpion 320 thermal sight by NIVISYS. 150g SST's 40 yards..
Had a land owner call and complain about hogs tearing up his pasture. I wasn't comfortable taking paying customers on this particular hunt so I invited the land owner. He had a calf and mother die during a delivery 20 minutes before I arrived. Needless to say it became a solo hunt. 7 hog were recovered and here is a video of the last ones last few seconds.. I used a Panther DPMS with a Scorpion 320 thermal sight by NIVISYS. 150g SST's 40 yards..