7 more dead in texas today

"Obama is an anti-colonialist. He has a dream, and it's the dream from his father. Anti-colonialism generally is based on the premise that the Western countries, and now the United States, have become rich by invading and occupying and looting the poor countries, so that the wealth of the world is unfairly distributed. And what Obama wants to do is correct that. How do you correct it? You correct it ultimately by making sure that the previous colonized countries have better access to growth and power, and if there's a cost for that you put the cost on the colonizers, in this case the United States."

It actually a result of politicians.
WTF is going on these days?

I mean really. If you're going to kill someone make sure you use an 'assault rifle' so the media has something to blame!

Sheesh people, read the memos!

Ion a serious note: WTF is wrong with people these days?! What makes anyone think murdering people is justified? )

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What the fuck has happened to my country? 😞
Looks like someone took defending the border into his own hands of course I’m unsure of his ultimate motivation if any. Would you rather these invaders get hotel resorts and your hard earned money like they have been?

These aren’t “migrants”. They are foreign invaders. Nobody seems to have problems with the US military murdering people across the world that pose no threat to us here yet can’t handle the thought of stopping a true and real threat here at home.

Edit to add:
I don’t like this shit either but the criminal organizations that are the gov’ts of the world are responsible.
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WTF is going on these days?

I mean really. If you're going to kill someone make sure you use an 'assault rifle' so the media has something to blame!

Sheesh people, read the memos!

Ion a serious note: WTF is wrong with people these days?! What makes anyone think murdering people is justified? )

Stress, from every aspect of life, especially the media/TV/movies. They ram stress down the throat because it pays.
Looks like someone took defending the border into his own hands of course I’m unsure of his ultimate motivation if any. Would you rather these invaders get hotel resorts and your hard earned money like they have been?

These aren’t “migrants”. They are foreign invaders. Nobody seems to have problems with the US military murdering people across the world that pose no threat to us here yet can’t handle the thought of stopping a true and real threat here at home.

Edit to add:
I don’t like this shit either but the criminal organizations that are the gov’ts of the world are responsible.
I get it….but this is 2023 for fucks sake. Why are good men and women dying for political hacks. These are innocent human beings for fucks sake. Regardless of what we think is the ultimate outcome. People are people! Most of us want the same thing. Freedom, health, happiness, family. How did those poor mother fuckers sitting on a curb deserve to be run over like a fucking gopher on the side of a highway?
My God! Is there no fucking decency alive in the United States of America? We fought wars to rid the world of fucking assholes, and now some dare to condone the outright murder of innocents? I’m at a loss …..
Ignorance is not an excuse, we all know what is going on and who is responsible. Only thing worth contemplating now is how long it will take for the normies to realize that they are involved in a fight that only 1 side is fighting.
Ignorance is not an excuse, we all know what is going on and who is responsible. Only thing worth contemplating now is how long it will take for the normies to realize that they are involved in a fight that only 1 side is fighting.
I'm ignorant so please recap...what *is* going on and who is responsible? Why are all these people flipping out and killing randomly and more and more often with guns and vehicles and whatever......You got it figured out? Clever mother fucker. Share please.

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I'm ignorant so please recap...what *is* going on and who is responsible? .... Share please.

FBI grooming mentally ill people hoping to further their agenda.

Crazy fucking trans/jilted/rejected lovers going after their own.

Crazy fucking trans going after Christians because they think it's immoral.

Groups of blacks just taking advantage of catch/release policies and having fun, knock out game, murder, stealing shit, lots of fun with BLM encouragement.

Government seeding deep hatred among groups, touting reparations, equality, white supremacists, Nazi bullshit driving individuals at attack white people.

Bunch of fucking mentally ill people on anti-depressant decide to go batshit crazy.

Liberals that can't cope outside their safe space and decide to shoot up a place to become a hero among thier kind to push anti-2A bullshit

Illegal aliens bringing cartel crime, rapes, drugs and general debauchery from the southern border/Mexico. If they get deported, they just walk right back over.

I may have missed a few.. let me know.
The white supremacist that ran down 20 illegal immigrants and killed 7 in Brownsville is recovering in the hospital.

I'm ignorant so please recap...what *is* going on and who is responsible? Why are all these people flipping out and killing randomly and more and more often with guns and vehicles and whatever......You got it figured out? Clever mother fucker. Share please.

I answered in another thread.

Stress. Every aspect of life today is filled with stress. The media feeds fear and failure so people move faster trying to get ahead of that curve. Just like in an auto, faster speeds make more violent impacts. Stress is like getting a sound that festers. If you dont clean it up and heal it, or find a creative outlet, it comes out in negative ways. Proliferation of unhealthy drugs.

Honestly, the number and type of guns, and easy availability, affects the outcomes. No denying that. The only question lies on a very slippery slope.

IMHO, beyond the stress, or behind it perhaps, lies another more sinister element devoted to our enslavement.

Put on the whole armor.
FBI grooming mentally ill people hoping to further their agenda.

Crazy fucking trans/jilted/rejected lovers going after their own.

Crazy fucking trans going after Christians because they think it's immoral.

Groups of blacks just taking advantage of catch/release policies and having fun, knock out game, murder, stealing shit, lots of fun with BLM encouragement.

Government seeding deep hatred among groups, touting reparations, equality, white supremacists, Nazi bullshit driving individuals at attack white people.

Bunch of fucking mentally ill people on anti-depressant decide to go batshit crazy.

Liberals that can't cope outside their safe space and decide to shoot up a place to become a hero among thier kind to push anti-2A bullshit

Illegal aliens bringing cartel crime, rapes, drugs and general debauchery from the southern border/Mexico. If they get deported, they just walk right back over.

I may have missed a few.. let me know.
You missed the core issue (s). See my post above^^^
Looks like someone took defending the border into his own hands of course I’m unsure of his ultimate motivation if any. Would you rather these invaders get hotel resorts and your hard earned money like they have been?

These aren’t “migrants”. They are foreign invaders. Nobody seems to have problems with the US military murdering people across the world that pose no threat to us here yet can’t handle the thought of stopping a true and real threat here at home.

Edit to add:
I don’t like this shit either but the criminal organizations that are the gov’ts of the world are responsible.

Not justifying it either but imagine if the guy who was driving the SUV had a young female relative who was brutalized by "refugees" a while back and the local Soros appointed DA did nothing and told the man that he "was just imagining the worst, it wasn't that bad", I can see why he'd go ahead and do something in Minecraft...

This is an invasion, plain and simple, and this on top of all of the woke nonsense being shoved into everybody's faces will cause some people to feel that it is all so tiresome...
I answered in another thread.

Stress. Every aspect of life today is filled with stress. The media feeds fear and failure so people move faster trying to get ahead of that curve. Just like in an auto, faster speeds make more violent impacts. Stress is like getting a sound that festers. If you dont clean it up and heal it, or find a creative outlet, it comes out in negative ways. Proliferation of unhealthy drugs.

Honestly, the number and type of guns, and easy availability, affects the outcomes. No denying that. The only question lies on a very slippery slope.

IMHO, beyond the stress, or behind it perhaps, lies another more sinister element devoted to our enslavement.

Put on the whole armor.
My perspective exactly - Our Society has moved so far/so fast that "Normal" is a thing of The Past. Everybody is stressed, many to the breaking point obviously. Our Society is breaking down due to the stresses imposed on US by Politics , Media, Religion and Race/Ethnicity .

I personally think we'd get better results in reducing this madness by figuring out where we fucked up and fixing that than disarming everyone. Taking everyone's means of self defense is unconstitutional and will only create more stressed out crazies IMO.

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My perspective exactly - Our Society has moved so far/so fast that "Normal" is a thing of The Past. Everybody is stressed, many to the breaking point obviously. Our Society is breaking down due to the stresses imposed on US by Politics , Media, Religion and Race/Ethnicity .

I personally think we'd get better results in reducing this madness by figuring out where we fucked up and fixing that than disarming everyone. Taking everyone's means of self defense is unconstitutional and will only create more stressed out crazies IMO.

I agree but am also able to admit that its likely not a fixable problem...short of a cataclysmic event.

And I'm wise enough to know and admit that in this climate of stress as long as guns are readily available this trend will continue, and likely as we've been seeing, escalate. Making possession of a fire arm automaticlally punished by life in prison and crime with one death, most would turn them in. As criminals are caught, seize those. It would bring 'gun' violence down but it would come out in other ways...Like killing 7 wth a car.

As our society continues to break down, law enforcement stopping in the cities will bring roving gangs just llike war lords. Then they'll declare marshal law and ....Good night sweet prince.
Yup. Agreed - I don't personally think there is any solution but we might mitigate some violence by stopping Politicians, Media, and various specialty groups from pushing everyone's buttons/all the time and keeping everyone feeling hopeless and angry about their futures.

It'll get *way* worse before it crashes and burns. IMO.

We're a nation of 300+ million people, bad shit happens every single day somewhere in the country. There are many events that never get any coverage outside of local, and that's if the local news even gives it more than a mention. We've spend the last 20 years or more being divided into more and more polarized groups, and told to hate those that aren't like us. Then when the economy starts to get in a pinch you either stress, or take away the livelihoods of folks, and as soon as you take everything from someone, and they no longer have anything to lose, you have a dangerous person. That person falls on one side, or the other, and is told who is at fault for all their problems, and voila, they have a target.

Don't know what happened that made the suspect do what he did, we aren't likely to ever find out the truth because the media no longer reports facts, only narrative.

Buckle up men, i'm predicting it's going to get much worse. If you live in a city, figure out a way to get either out of the city, or as close to out of the city as you can. Always have a plan of what you're going to do if shit goes south wherever you are. Live your life, but always have a plan.
