7 SAUM Shooters- Action Length Question


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May 19, 2018
Southern California
I have been wanting to put together a rifle in the 7mm caliber. The two contenders are 7mm SAUM and 280AI ( I also looked at the 7mm Sherman Short but don't think I'm ready to go down the wildcat hole yet...). I want to go with the SAUM in a short action but am wondering how much the short action will hold the SAUM back.

So, to all you 7mm SAUM shooters using short actions:

Do you feel held back by the short action? If so, how much and in what way?
If you had to do it all over, would you have used a long action?
Would you have chose another cartridge?

I intend this to be a lightweight Elk hunting rifle built off an ARC Nucleus action housed in a Manners hunting stock.

Thanks for reading this.
I have a 7mm SAUM in progress built on a Surgeon WSM action with a Wyatt magazine box. That is as short as I would want but I wouldn't want a long action either. If I was building another one I would either use an action like the one I have or one of the intermediate length actions like Defiance and Borden make.
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Run it on any of the custom SAs that will allow 2.980ish COAL with binderless Accurate Mags and you'll be fine. Skip the Wyatt's box or a standard Rem 700... Which you seem to be anyhow.

Different animal, but I've had a few SAUMs/WSMs built on a 3" box Kimber Montana and they all ran well at those COALs. I'll take the advantages of a short action over a long action in compromise.
There’s also the Defiance hunter XM which is intermediate length between short and long action maybe worth considering. Defiance also sells a BDL specific to this action.

If you are interested PM me and I can send you some detailed pictures of mine with a Manners EH-1F.
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Thank you all for the information. It looks like a short action will not work for my purposes since I want the option to use longer heaver bullets than 162's. This pushes me in the direction of a long action and the 280AI.

Just a final question; does anyone have any thoughts on the performance of the SAUM vs the 280AI if both are housed in a long action?

Thanks again!
If you're going to use a long action, why not a big magnum?

I wanted to avoid the belted magnums but don't want the recoil and barrel life of a 28 Nosler. Essentially I'm trying to find the 7MM sweet spot of performance, recoil, and barrel life and I belive that 280AI or 7SAUM (or a 7SS if I was daring enough to go down the wildcat rabbit hole) is what I'm looking for.

7SS. It's what I am caught between that and Rem mag.
Single feeding makes short action simple.
Long action the AI is least effective
This from someone just lookin.
7 mm barrel on the way.

I thought about the 7SS, but wasn't quite ready to go down the wildcat rabbit hole. Essentially I'm looking for the the level of performance that I can get out of the 7SAUM or 280AI but can't live with the limitations of a short action so will have to live with a long action. Good luck to you and looking forward to hearing how it goes.
I have really wanted a 7mm. I know the SAUM is going to require having the bullets crammed way into case. My plan right now is the Sherman Short, shoulders are far enough back along with the longer neck to allow for the 180g class bullets to be seated closer to the ideal depth. If I was set on the SAUM and heavy bullets I'd run a long action
Excellent thread! I'm in a somewhat related boat. I got a barrel cert for $100 off a PVA prefit, dropping them down to a price I can't ignore. I have a TL2 short action, so I'm limited in that regard, and have been considering my options as well, leaning heavily towards a 7mm chambering as well. The SAUM seems to be experiencing a resurgence of interest, but I want to retain the ability to throw the 180s as well. The thoughts expressed here have me thinking more of a 7SS, but as others have noted, that's a deep rabbit hole.

Just how "neutered" is a 7SAUM running 180s out of a short action? Would I see any gains at all compared to running 160 class projectiles, or would the lost power capacity make it a moot point?
I can get 3000 fps from long action, 30" barrel, with long freebore, and 63 gr of H1000 under a 180 hybrid. And I have gone as high as 3050 fps with 65gr. Definitely recommend long action.
I’ve got a factory Rem 700 SA 7mm SAUM with 24” sporter barrel. Putting it in a Manners SL that’s inlet for M5 DBM, and will use APA RTG DBM and Accurate Mag 3 round WSM mags, which allow 2.96-2.98” OAL.

For a visual: 7mm SAUM with 180 Berger hybrid at 2.950 OAL.

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Don't fall into the hype about "belted" magnums. There is no special or mystical thing that needs to be done to reload a belted magnum, once you fire the virgin brass you size it like any other case and headspace off the shoulder. I bought the Innovative Technologies die for belted magnums and have yet to need it. 7mm Rem Mag can push 180's plenty fast, brass is abundant, and you will ALWAYS find 7RM ammo in any store that sells ammo... Walmart, Ace Hardware, etc. My first custom was a 7RM shooting 162 AMAXs, it wasn't sexy so I dove off into the 7mm wildcats (currently have a 7-300WM), but I've come full circle and my 2019 hunting rifle build will be a 7mm RM shooting 168s or 180s, haven't decided yet. I have 2 barrels a 26" proof and a 28" CarbonSix to choose from, and it will be attached to an Atlas Long Action.
I have short action, and shoot the 180 vld at 3k loaded into my Wyatt box. When I first went to my smith and said I was worried about this combo he laughed and said don’t worry about it. I worried until the day I shot it. I load them under 2.995 as well. They feed great and I can pull a loaded round out no problem. If I was doing it over I’d do the same thing. This cartridge was designed to be a short action and it does it well. The only magic I’m using is Rl26.