7RM H1000 or Retumbo

Grim's Reapers

Full Member
Jan 24, 2024
South Florida
I'm currently running H1000 in my 7RM 26" barrel 1:8 twist. I have 5 pounds of the stuff left. Anyone have better results using Retumbo? I just acquired 2 pounds of it at a bargain from my neighbor who wasn't using it. Is it worth doing load development again with this? Or should I have passed on buying it. I'm shooting long range target with heavies (180 and 190 grainers).
I've always had better luck with H1000 than Retumbo out of everything I've ever shot the stuff in personally from 264 Win Mag, 7 Rem Mag, 7-300 Win Mag, 300 Win Mag, 300 RUM, and 338 EDGE... H1000 is a standby powder for me. I traded all my Retumbo off for H1000 years ago. Sure Retumbo was always a little faster, but H1000 was always more accurate and consistent overall. I'd find someone with H1000 who wants to trade...
I shoot 300-WM, 300-Norma, 300-PRC, and 338-LM ... and have solid loads with single-digit SD's for all of those with both Retumbo and H1000 .... both of which I have enough of to last me through the next ice age. While the charges are different (obviously), I've found those two powders to be generally interchangeable.
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I've always had better luck with H1000 than Retumbo out of everything I've ever shot the stuff in personally from 264 Win Mag, 7 Rem Mag, 7-300 Win Mag, 300 Win Mag, 300 RUM, and 338 EDGE... H1000 is a standby powder for me. I traded all my Retumbo off for H1000 years ago.
I had a feeling that was coming. I gave him 80 bucks for two pounds of it. Sounds like I'll just keep it if there's an apocalypse and not waste any time working up loads for it. Especially if more chime in with the same experiences you've had. SOB I knew it!!!! TY for taking the time.
I shoot 300-WM, 300-Norma, 300-PRC, and 338-LM ... and have solid loads with single-digit SD's for all of those with both Retumbo and H1000 .... both of which I have enough of to last me through the next ice age. While the charges are different (obviously), I've found those two powders to be generally interchangeable.
Well I heard it does pretty good in over bore type guns which is why I really couldn't pass up buying it. I guess there's only way to find out if it runs well in my 7RM, I just really didn't want to waste a ton of time doing load development. I'm always chasing the elusive dream and I can't help it. LOL
I'm currently running H1000 in my 7RM 26" barrel 1:8 twist. I have 5 pounds of the stuff left. Anyone have better results using Retumbo? I just acquired 2 pounds of it at a bargain from my neighbor who wasn't using it. Is it worth doing load development again with this? Or should I have passed on buying it. I'm shooting long range target with heavies (180 and 190 grainers).
Never had good luck with Retumbo in anything, so I'd say try H1000, IMR 7828 SSC, and Winchester StaBall HD. I would recommend IMR 7977, but they don't seem to offer that powder anymore. I sure hope they start production of it again sometime soon. It's the perfect magnum powder and good for anything from .280 Ackley up to .300 Weatherby.
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Never had good luck with Retumbo in anything, so I'd say try H1000, IMR 7828 SSC, and Winchester StaBall HD. I would recommend IMR 7977, but they don't seem to offer that powder anymore. I sure hope they start production of it again sometime soon. It's the perfect magnum powder and good for anything from .280 Ackley up to .300 Weatherby.
I'll probably just use it to fire form some of my new Peterson brass. Haven't heard many positives about it yet here. LOL Thank you for your time and input.