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Hunting & Fishing A 243, 12 ga and a 22 revolver... and some yotes

Tim Neitzke

Full Member
Nov 13, 2010
Mid -Michigan
Was all fired up to hunt this weekend. Had a storm bring new snow and wind early Sat morning. Infact it was too late and tracks could not be found. So we figured Sun would be the day and it was ! We had more dang tracks than we knew what to do with.

The first track proved good, but not much of a challange. After a 300 yard walk I spotted the yote walking down the edge of the ditch. I sent a guy from the other end to push it back. It went down in the ditch and never came out ?? So I picked up the track and found it trying to hide in the snowy ditch bank.
Gave it a couple with my 22 pistola. Too easy.

Off to the next track....
My bud Brad had this track scouted earlier in the morn. It went into a small woodlot filled with NASTY briars. This spot never lets us down. I set up 2 shotgunners in the timber and went to tracking. Got the yote up in short order and the fun was on. It got by my 2 gunners and headed across the field. Luckly Ray was waiting on the fence row and dumped it with his .243 win. Sweet !

After a regroup and some high 5's and a snack we headed out.
A yote had beed spotted in this spot earlier in the morning. It was a huge section of woods and our track record is not good in there. We made a plan and started in only to find 50 miles( just guessing lol ) of yote and deer tracks all intertwined. :eek:hmy: We've seen this BIG yote in here before and today was no diff than the previous time. After hours of sorting tracks we called it quits. Still a good day.

Monday rolls a round and Brad calls me on the radio and says He see's 2 yotes in the field next to the big woods ! After burning up the phone lines a convoy of trucks shows up and the hunt is on ! I picked up the track and headed to the timber only to find the same mess of yote/deer tracks as the day before. So a second tracker was sent in from the other end to scent up the woods. Soon we had a yote out and I was smiling once again.
Got a shooter set up on the ditch line were the yote was heading. On the way Brad got busted by the yote and headed back to where it came from. Only Mr Wiley did not know I was at the other end waiting ! He got to meet my "Nelly" and a load of DC at 20 yards, game over !
It wasn't "Mr.Big" just an average male,but good enough.

Family, freinds and some good ole plain fun , my kinda life.

Thanks for reading. Here is some pics......




Re: A 243, 12 ga and a 22 revolver... and some yotes

really dig the drag handle...gonna hafta make one of those. dual purpose skinning yoke too eh? Loop that thing around a fence post and connect to the back feet. 2 mins to a naked Yote.
Re: A 243, 12 ga and a 22 revolver... and some yotes

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JasonB</div><div class="ubbcode-body">really dig the drag handle...gonna hafta make one of those. dual purpose skinning yoke too eh? Loop that thing around a fence post and connect to the back feet. 2 mins to a naked Yote. </div></div>

Thanks, My friend Jeff made it for me. He's a member here to.
Re: A 243, 12 ga and a 22 revolver... and some yotes

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mnshortdraw</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Nice dogs. Nice to see some diffrerent tactics other than calling. </div></div>
Thanks we have alot of fun. Gets more people involved too. When we are close to home, my grandpa (88) just sits in his easy chair and listens on the radio.