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Hunting & Fishing A Clean Quick Kill


Full Member
Apr 21, 2004
A real hunter at work!
Re: A Clean Quick Kill

WOW!!! That photo is a trophy on its own... I'd have let that buck walk for another year, but the cat looks pretty mature
Re: A Clean Quick Kill

Les, my Brother in Abilene sent it to me this morning, and he is out of pocket. The bad news is it was not taken on my lease. Yes, that Buck had a nice spread, looks like a 1 or 2 year old that would have been something at 5/6 years. That Lion made it look easy,can you imagine the power! Regards
Re: A Clean Quick Kill

Love the picture. That is a reason to hunt them in AZ too. Not only for the thrill but also to help the deer and elk population.
Re: A Clean Quick Kill

Very nice,,, We have lots of cats in the Black Hills but can't hunt them with dogs or bait... Multiple cats killed this hear from calling but no luck for me. Need a lion mount to go with my bobcat.
Re: A Clean Quick Kill

Damn!!! That is some shit there. We all know it happens but to catch the photo is another thing. Now that is a good hunter there cause we all know that buck ain't no dummy so a good stalk was necessary.

Thanks for sharing
Re: A Clean Quick Kill

We had one spotted out by Valera but not lately. We did see the below kill this week and think he is still around. Kind of makes me look around a little more.
Re: A Clean Quick Kill

Very nice pic!
My buddy that lived in the hills had a small one that would come in his yard every day about 1100. I told him to get a Lion tag and lets go hunting. He was scared to even let his kids in the yard...I would be too!!!
Re: A Clean Quick Kill

I was told by my great, grand father that in the old days before very many cars,that care was taken to guard the small children. Mountain loins and egles were know to snatch a child for havest. This stills occures in Africa today.I would be aware of a coyote too.
Re: A Clean Quick Kill

the kitty probably paraded that in front of the camera just to piss you off lol. thats a once in a lifetime shot there, great stuff. cat obviously knows that dinner waits at the feeder too.
Re: A Clean Quick Kill

"The Cougar has recently made a comeback in the state of Wyoming, where it presently has the largest population in North America."

It sure does. Several guides & hunters I know have been followed by them (at a distance) which is probably a learned response. Mr Griz does the same thing and gunshots are his/her dinner bell (they are not as shy).

Very adaptable animal (ask CA joggers LOL) and my old buds in NY & PA are now finding scat and tracks on the zillion of acres of public land. (NY has the largest state park of any lower 48 US state)
Re: A Clean Quick Kill

cool pic - Last dec i called in my first mountain lion in and my buddy did the shooting, truely exciting.
Re: A Clean Quick Kill

That is one very cool pic.

You can get some crazy pic's on those game cams. Had one sent to me of a coon riding on top of a hog. Another one had a bat flying at the camra with a few other forest critters in the shot. I really didn't need to know that bats got as big around as a soft ball in Texas though.
Re: A Clean Quick Kill

That is amazing, its hard to imagine they are so stealthy and skilled they can get it done with their jaws...I have a hard enough time with a bow or rifle
Re: A Clean Quick Kill

That is an AWESOME trailcam pic!

I saw a photo of a bowkilled cougar at a small gunshop in Central NY. This was no photoshop job either. Apparently it was taken last fall by a local hunter near Sanitaria Springs, in NEW YORK STATE. According to the shop owner, DEC took the lion and no charges were filed...

Two years ago, our neighbor upstate at the farm said she saw a big long tailed cat on the way to church one morning. She was worried for her goats & wanted us to kill it!

At the time, I took her story with a grain of salt. But after seeing that pic, maybe she did see a lion...