As posted in a different thread, I obtained a diopter sight for my Swiss G11/1911 from Swiss Products. I mounted it up yesterday, bore sighted it using the “DANGER!” sticker on the transformer box in the backyard, and took it for a range trip this morning.
Now I was born a nearsighted Polish kid, am now a 56yr old farsighted Polish kid. I’m not an optometrist, and barely passed physics in high school. I have absolutely ZERO clue on how this all works...but I’m sold.
I’ve only put about 30 rounds through this gun since I purchased it in February. All of those informal and most on steel. Life got in the way and it collected dust for a bit. I did manage to get brass and a set of Lee dies in the interim. Using some bulk Remington 165gr PSPCL bullets I had under the bench, along with some spare 4350, I loaded a test spread from 43.6-46.4. A few weeks back, in a moment of Märzen induced weakness, I ordered up a few bricks of GP11 as well. The idea was I’d sight in with a known quality (GP11) then run the follow up spread and see what I got. I really had no idea how the rifle was really going to shoot, but the initial 30 rounds showed promise. So with all that, I swallowed hard, crossed my fingers, and ordered up the diopter sight.
To say I’m pleased with the sights and the results would be an understatement. After a few rounds to zero the sight ( a dozen) I shot a few groups with the GP11. As you see in the pics, it ran about 1 3/4” at 100yds. Not too bad. The results from my handloads were a bit better with one VERY nice group at 44.8gr. None of them are hotrods traveling about 2275fps. The GP11 clocked at about 2600fps. No mind, if it’s accurate, I’m happy. A bit more experimenting around that node is in order.
I do have a supply of 175smk and R17 as well. That might be next. Only issue is the throat in my rifle is quite deep, and seating the bullets even .030 off the lands gives insufficient bullet seating. Maybe I’ll try to jump them a bit more and see if the gun likes it. The 165gr PSPCLs are jumping pretty far too, and it doesnt seem to mind. I also need to adjust my cheek weld a bit. I was using a stock pack, but still need it a bit higher. Perhaps I’ll have the wife sew one up from some old Alpenflage!
So there ya go. Not bad for a gun made in 1916. Thanks to zfk55sr for the advice, assistance, and great product. My apologizes for the less than optimum target pics. Some of the loads I used the main large bull. When that space ran out (and I began to loose track of what hits were what) I transitioned to the smaller bullseyes and let the groups fall wherever. In general, the 165s were hitting about 8” above where I had sighted in with the GP11. The rqnge was busy today, and I had to do what I had to do to finish it up.
Now I was born a nearsighted Polish kid, am now a 56yr old farsighted Polish kid. I’m not an optometrist, and barely passed physics in high school. I have absolutely ZERO clue on how this all works...but I’m sold.
I’ve only put about 30 rounds through this gun since I purchased it in February. All of those informal and most on steel. Life got in the way and it collected dust for a bit. I did manage to get brass and a set of Lee dies in the interim. Using some bulk Remington 165gr PSPCL bullets I had under the bench, along with some spare 4350, I loaded a test spread from 43.6-46.4. A few weeks back, in a moment of Märzen induced weakness, I ordered up a few bricks of GP11 as well. The idea was I’d sight in with a known quality (GP11) then run the follow up spread and see what I got. I really had no idea how the rifle was really going to shoot, but the initial 30 rounds showed promise. So with all that, I swallowed hard, crossed my fingers, and ordered up the diopter sight.
To say I’m pleased with the sights and the results would be an understatement. After a few rounds to zero the sight ( a dozen) I shot a few groups with the GP11. As you see in the pics, it ran about 1 3/4” at 100yds. Not too bad. The results from my handloads were a bit better with one VERY nice group at 44.8gr. None of them are hotrods traveling about 2275fps. The GP11 clocked at about 2600fps. No mind, if it’s accurate, I’m happy. A bit more experimenting around that node is in order.
I do have a supply of 175smk and R17 as well. That might be next. Only issue is the throat in my rifle is quite deep, and seating the bullets even .030 off the lands gives insufficient bullet seating. Maybe I’ll try to jump them a bit more and see if the gun likes it. The 165gr PSPCLs are jumping pretty far too, and it doesnt seem to mind. I also need to adjust my cheek weld a bit. I was using a stock pack, but still need it a bit higher. Perhaps I’ll have the wife sew one up from some old Alpenflage!
So there ya go. Not bad for a gun made in 1916. Thanks to zfk55sr for the advice, assistance, and great product. My apologizes for the less than optimum target pics. Some of the loads I used the main large bull. When that space ran out (and I began to loose track of what hits were what) I transitioned to the smaller bullseyes and let the groups fall wherever. In general, the 165s were hitting about 8” above where I had sighted in with the GP11. The rqnge was busy today, and I had to do what I had to do to finish it up.
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