Accessories A good deal on packs and cases local to MI


Barksa #1 Fanboy & Professional Paper Puncher
Full Member
  • Feb 14, 2017
    I’ve got a handful of packs, cases, etc I won’t be using as I replaced them with other stuff. I would like someone to be able to use them but there’s too much there to ship so I would prefer someone local to Michigan.

    - Eberlestock gunslinger 2 coyote. Good shape, small wear.
    - condor mutlicam plate carrier. Similar to a Gen 3 IOTV, full size, never worn or had anything on it. Bought it impulsively before getting a lighter setup.
    - London bridges medic backpack OD green.
    - soft shell Multicam gun case. I forget what brand it is without looking. Maybe condor as well? Like new. It’s the one that folds out into a shooting mat.
    - unknown Multicam two day pack. Has small waist support. Bought it off Amazon a couple years ago for a couple small hikes. Like new.

    I’ll sell all of them for $300 locally. I’ve got that into the gunslinger 2 so basically you’re getting that plus a bunch of other stuff. Sell it or use it, doesn’t matter to me!
