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Hunting & Fishing A-Max Bullets for hunting

Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

I agree they are a very versital pill and it wouldnt bother me to use them for hunting. If I were to work up a load specifically for hunting though, I'd probably use somthing offered by Nosler.

Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

We tested the 162 this weekend on a WT doe and a coyote out of a 7wsm.

Doe at 200 yards pass through behind the shoulder...bullet nuked with two exit wounds and fragments peirced the gut. She fell dead of course.

Coyote at 70 yard snap shot. Dog was sitting facing me....lets just say it was not pelt friendly. Exit would was about 8" diameter and very messy.

Muzzle velocity on this round is 2940 IIRC.
Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

we used the 168 variety out of a 20inch 308 on two whitetail this year.

One was spine shot at about 250yrds. Deer was slightly below me so angle was a bit down. DRT......really. Bullet absolutely disintegrated about 5 inches of spine. It was just gone.

The other was a more difficult and fast shot. We were trying to circle around a young buck when it spooked up and popped over the ridge looking right down at us. About 80yrds, facing me almost directly but quartering away enough that I could get a solid high shoulder shot. Dropped to a knee and hit it right on the shoulder. Shattered the shoulder and punched into the rib cage--left a fist sized hole in the ribs. Bullet then turned the vitals into liquid. I have never seen such destruction. The bullet obviously fragmented but also pulled bone fragments from the shoulder and ribs into the vitals. Unfortunately this also included the bowels and we lost some meat because of the fragments and contaimination. There was no exit would which stunned me.

all in all, I am not really sure what to think. 2 dead deer and no tracking involved. However, the destruction created at under 100 yrds is almost too much. I think I will keep using them but I also think under 100-150 yrds or so I am going to stick to neck/spine shots.
Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

We had a 150-200 pound hog at about a 100 yards quartering from us, shooting 168 Hornaday and he didnt know what hit him. Right behind the shoulder thru heart and did not really destroy any meat besides each slab of ribs have holes in them.
Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

I used a 168 AMax out of my .308 on a Mulie from about 50 yards. I don't remember there being an exit hole and it pretty much exploded when it penetrated, turning the heart in to jelly.
Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

I took an eight point last week at 474 yards with a 168 A-Max out of my .308, devastating wound channel and meats in the freezer.Goin to see if I can send another A-Max to his brother afterwhile.
Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

ive used the 168 out of a 308 and the 140 out of a 6.5creedmore and had great results with both...all the deer i shot were in the neck or upper shoulder area and were drt....great bullet
Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

+1 on the Amax. I shot a deer this morning, at about 150 yards, with a 168 Amax in 308. She was DRT, I mean she did not even kick, the bullet went all the way through. I was very impressed. Then about an hour later a bobcat tried to drag her off, so I shot him also. That is no lie, I would not have believed it if I had not seen it with my own eyes. When I went down there to get them, the bobcat still had his mouth on her nose. Also the Amax is a very accurate bullet, at least out of my guns.
Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: pwc001</div><div class="ubbcode-body">+1 on the Amax. I shot a deer this morning, at about 150 yards, with a 168 Amax in 308. She was DRT, I mean she did not even kick, the bullet went all the way through. I was very impressed. Then about an hour later a bobcat tried to drag her off, so I shot him also. That is no lie, I would not have believed it if I had not seen it with my own eyes. When I went down there to get them, the bobcat still had his mouth on her nose. Also the Amax is a very accurate bullet, at least out of my guns. </div></div>

Please tell me you took pictures of that, and if so, post them! I would love to see that.
Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

Yes, I took a picture of them when my dad and I got down there, I will get someone to post the picture, I dont know what the cat was thinking, the doe was big, and he was just a medium cat. I thought it was funny though. Hell, the deer had been dead for an hour, I was waiting for a buck to come out, and I looked down there and the deer was moving.
Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

A couple of years ago a guy I work with shot a small spike one evening and couldn't find him. He went back the next day and found the spike. Here's the kicker, the spike had been dragged off and had been covered up. He decided to put his trail camera on the carcass to see what had done this. It was the biggest bobcat I had ever seen. The following year one of my working partners had caught a yearling deer in a hog trap. When he got there the next morning the deer was dead in the trap and covered up. Needless to say I have a little more respect for bobcats now.
Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

Worked fine in the AK @ 7.62x39 a couple weeks back...the new Hornady loads.

Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

Started out my new GAP 7wsm with berger 180's. I was disappointed in the results. I came from a 30-378 weatherby to this gun. The bullets weren't expanding unless I hit some major bone. Switched to the 162 Amax. Extremely impressed, between my wife and I, we have put the smack down on one coyote, one 250# hog, and four deer. Only one bullet didn't exit and that was on a doe at 350 yards. She was facing head on with her head down. I popped her between the shoulder blades at the base of the top of neck. Instant drop. The rest of them did huge damage to the ribs-took out several of them on the way out.
Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

So far this year I have 2 hogs (150 and 175), drt from 30 yards with a Rem 7600P with 168 gr TAP. The 175 was facing me under the corn feeder, center of chest, bam flop. The 150 took off running broadside, 1 shot crumpled her in full stride, drt.

Took a 8 point that weighed probably 150-160 at 60 yards with my ltr 168 gr AMAX, lapua brass, 43.9gr RL-15. I shot the deer broadside right in the shoulder. Entrance would was about the size of a baseball, heart was jelly, drt it literally did not even kick.

None of the rounds exited but they all were drt. Can't complain so far .........
Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

Great bullet for deer sized game or smaller as long as youre a far piece off from it. If your shots are gonna be up close though you better find another bullet because this one won't hold together.
Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting



168 gr AMAX-- 195 yds



168 gr AMAX --259 yds


168 gr AMAX -45 yds-- pass thru


168 gr AMAX --40 yds -- pass thru
Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jamison</div><div class="ubbcode-body">


168 gr AMAX-- 195 yds



168 gr AMAX --259 yds


168 gr AMAX -45 yds-- pass thru


168 gr AMAX --40 yds -- pass thru </div></div>

Very nice to see the pictures of recovered bullets. Judging by the skeptics, I'd figure a pink mist and what would look like buck shot wounds on the exit side of the animal. Good Shooting by the way.
Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

I shot a nice 8 PT this year 65 yards 155 AMAX - No exit Dropped on the spot, heart just oozing chunks. As I approached I put another one up through the brisket/sternum into the spine at 20 yds...again no exit but right inside the hide. The projectile pics look similar to those already posted.
Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Ishikawa</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Worked fine in the AK @ 7.62x39 a couple weeks back...the new Hornady loads.


Are these factory or handloads? I bought 122 gr. SP for the AK if I wanted to hunt with it.
Re: A-Max Bullets for hunting

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Cadillac Jack</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Great bullet for deer sized game or smaller as long as youre a far piece off from it. If your shots are gonna be up close though you better find another bullet because this one won't hold together.</div></div>

This may be why I have been having problems with them. I was using 168 gr. A-Max in .308 WIN. I shot a doe at 50 yds and never found any blood. I also noticed several people stating they had no exit wounds. I suspected this on the doe I shot, since I didnt locate any blood (small entry hole and no exit). Everyone I have ever talked to stated they didnt like to use them for hunting. I agree.

I will say that they make a very accurate target bullet......