Re: a nice day for shooting
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 051F</div><div class="ubbcode-body">did learn by mistake that scope caps need to be angled so they dont puddle up (as pictured)
i always have obj cover tilted off the the right, out of the way, but i had a whole bunch of black blobs on my sight picture after the opened rear cover again. gonna have it open 90º to the left from now on.</div></div>
It really won't matter. Water will get on the lens no matter what. If it's not cold enough to frost, then you can blow the water off the lens with your breath between relays. By the time you get back on the gun the fog should have dissipated.
I have water spots all over the objective and ocular lens of my SN-3 right now. I need to grab the acetone and give it a clean.
Heating it up is fun. In 40*F weather with rain coming down I had my barrel smoking several times.