A question long past due, do we have any WWI Buffs?

i am not sure why this guy and his military discussion posts are getting such hostile reaction. don't know him or ,really,another here but 2/3 FTF. the posts seem to be an interesting source of discussion and info exchange. am i missing something here?
i am not sure why this guy and his military discussion posts are getting such hostile reaction. don't know him or ,really,another here but 2/3 FTF. the posts seem to be an interesting source of discussion and info exchange. am i missing something here?
So here's the other side of the story per your question- I had started a post about visiting American Battlefields and that post garnered a lot of attention and participation (relatively). Because of that- I started 3 posts afterwards trying to separate the stories that were coming in based off of 3 events in American history that I thought would be worth discussing based of the comments the Pit has produced over the years- the American Revolution, The American Civil War, and American involvement in WWI. I wasn't trying to spam the bear bit but essentially tried following the posted rules and break those conversations down 3 ways so each story was specific while ignoring local politics and the "flying monkeys" from gang piling on participants. Well in typical Bear Pit fashion there's about a dozen Neanderthals who feel like it's their personal mission to gate keep and defend their precious Bear Pit, which has resulted into an exchange of the same memes and calling out new posts as 'gay'.

So here's where I "went wrong", I apparently wronged two of their cohorts by calling them out a week or so ago for exhibiting 'Bear Pit' behavior outside of the Pit and calling them assholes large enough that they apparently need to wipe their butts with paper towels rather than Charmin and their band of flying monkeys descended upon me calling me things like "faggot", "glowie" & "pedo" because I called one of their kin out and they responded in kind by dogpiling onto every post I made here because they're the self perceived 'gatekeepers' of the bear pit despite their legions only amounting to about a dozen cucks in a community approaching 200K. So Meh- let them have their fun, as for me, I'd like to bring back intellectually stimulating conversations to the "Pit" if that's even possible and leave the Neanderthals to their own self created circle jerks.

But with that said- if you'd like to discuss WWI I'd love to hear your own opinion. As for me, what makes this particular timeframe stand out is the incredible technological changes that were introduced during that timeframe.

at the risk of being labeled a "glowie",i will agree with the above. yes,this is a site started and maintained to support,encourage and discuss long range rifle shooting. that is a good thing and there are several places to do so on here. this is the very unstructured bear pit and seems most anything goes. this is a VG thing and is a bit unique to SH. i have been on MANY shooting sites and most don't have the quality (both good and terrible) side talk. a place to discuss,learn and show things about politics,economics,history and life in general with mostly like minded people is a VG thing IMHO.
Hopefully you recognize that this likely your 4th strike against me with personal attacks calling me a 'pedo' at a minimum so I've got to at least pop you once in the nose here in the bear pit.

@TheBigCountry (see I'm being fair letting your slack jawed body know what I'm saying about you), but do you kiss your husband with that mouth of yours? I'd hope not because I feel you're better than that. I get it, you've made your "fed boi" hunt such a part of your personality here that you even incorporated it in your banner image. No offense here but hey- if you plan on stalking me (more on that later) and my posts I'm fine by letting that ride but if I can make things any easier on you- I'd be happy to tag you on future posts here should that make things easier on you? By the way- since you get your rocks off shit posting in my otherwise interesting threads, you better look at your clan of flying monkeys because if the "fed bois" really wanted to infiltrate your clan, that's exactly what they'd be targeting. Something to think about, in either event, let me know if you'd like to continue your smear campaign against me and demonstrating your abject ignorance to the rest of the hide, please by all means carry on.

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Oh bless my lucky stars- it's you again, listen- I've got things to do that doesn't warrant your opinion let alone several months of your shit talking nor an explanation how several months of your crap conveniently disappeared, so here's the deal- I'm still convinced that you'll be inviting me to your house this summer but I still need to see pictures of your sister before I decide whether I'm willing to fuck her at your offer after eating your steaks and drinking your beer.

@mcmaron- how about instead of you crapping on yet another thread that other more intelligent people appreciate, you just call me out here on the Bear Pit and let the other intellectuals continue their discussion?


I know- it's a 25 minute video and many of you don't have the time to commit to it so here's the summary- WWI veterans were promised up to a $625 as a bonus for their service in the war but was promised to be paid by something like 20 years later. The Great Depression hit, 10's of thousands of them protested DC to pay their bonus early and Herbert Hoover ended up using active duty military to clear these WWI veterans out in a rather callous manner and many (voting) folks at that time were swayed to vote for FDR over Herbert Hoover largely due to this singular event.

I'll post a few more links about it below but as for the "so what" component of this particular part of US history that many here would want to know why they care about- well the majority of the veteran's benefits (as paltry as they may be and cumbersome that they are to navigate through) can likely trace their origins to the public outcry to the way these WWI veterans were treated. There's also at least 3 very prominent WWII Generals that were part of this part of history but (for better or worse) escaped public scrutiny impacting their careers. Anywho- I hope some folks would find this interesting.

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I'm still on a WWI kick and can't help but compare the lessons of those documentaries with what's currently going on with the global conflicts. I suppose that anyone that has an interest in WWI understands the one single argument that trench warfare was a prime example of generals being taught to fight using the previous war strategies. In the 21st century anyone following this thread with any interest likely at least agrees with that much.

Where this is coming from is that I watched a video essentially arguing that the US military hasn't been training for a war that's representative of what's going on in Israel & Ukraine. The gist of their argument is that for 20 years we've been fighting and training our troops to fight insurgents/guerrilla warfare tactics but a war fought between superpowers has been weening in military doctrine with training troop during the same timeframe. And to be fair- there's certainly an element of that approach that makes sense but going back to the WWI reference I started with....

I can't help but wonder if 100 years from now if we get involved with yet another conflict at the WW level, will we be judged for outdated thinking based off of what we're seeing at the moment? The USMC already abandoned their tanks and recently got rid of their scout snipers with a tremendous outcry from veterans that were part of those elements- from what we're presently seeing globally though, the protections for armor isn't keeping up with drone technology (which I assure you is significantly cheaper than something like a TOW or Javelin missile that previously was used to counteract armor) and snipers require a significant investment in training and equipment but even the best guile suit is rendered worthless with modern thermals. Lastly we now have the AF is weighing in on planes/drones piloted with AI. I suppose the next domino will be the Navy with self-piloted ships.

Just a personal opinion of course but I can't help but feel that we'll later recognize this timeframe as technology once again completely changing the warfare doctrine for the next couple of decades after we prove our previous tactics/strategies no longer 'bring home the bacon' much like the trench warfare 100 years ago would later be scrutinized for being egregiously outdated due to technological advances.

Prophets like Theodore Kaczynski have been preaching for over a century that we must return to simpler times to survive as a society. We’ve refused to head these warnings. There is nothing but pain coming moving forward.