A work in progress


Jan 24, 2021
I bought this Remington 581 a little over 2 years ago. At the time, the trigger was frozen. It was also missing the magazine and rear sight. Annnnd....the buttplate was missing a chunk.

Loooooong soaks in acetone, followed by liberal spraying with WD40, followed by applications of RemOil freed the trigger. An aftermarket mag was found, as was a reproduction buttplate. I just installed a Bushnell Rimfire 3-9x scope, instead of an ungainly 4-12x I originally had for it.


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I'm going to sight it in with CCI CB Caps. It will become my dedicated 'suburban tree rat eradicator'. My wife doesn't like squirrel, but I do: fried, with gravy and biscuits. Yummm!
Not like Squirrel???? Mine not only likes em, she goes out and hunts em, shoots em, skins and cleans em, cooks em and shares em with me.

(In actual truth, I am not really so sure that we cemented our relationship over the love of squirrel hunting. So bad that I purchased her a Remington 541S for a wedding present, a rifle she still cherishes).