After disassembling and cleaning the bolt on my 1896 Swede I am getting odd primer strikes. Not every strike looks like these, but maybe 25-35% of them. Any ideas on what is going on here?
Did you notice it before you cleaned it?
Did you inspect the end of the firing pin?
Without some damage to tip of FP I don't see how this could be a "new" issue
If not new issue and FP tip is normal I wonder if the rifle has been shot a lot. The FP hole in face of bolt could be out of spec due to mfg or wear. That would allow the FP to "wallow around" on the primer and make out of round holes.
I take a picture of all spent cases/ primer strikes after each outing for inspection (on this rifle). I just went back and looked at them...and nope this is a new phenomenon.
I will inspect the firing pin and firing pin hole when I get home from work today
I have had this rifle for roughly 8 years and have never seem that "double strike/dragging" indication prior. I have seen hot loads crater primers...I have seen protruding primers/flat primers.
I was just wondering if any of you all had seen this type thing with other rifles or m96 swedes specifically.
Here are two primers from that same reload shot the same day..