Rifle Scopes Accessories for tangent theta 5-25

You can buy a sunshade for the TT already. The sunshade with out the ARD was more clearer than the one with. I'm a tangent dealer so if your interested in a sunshade let me know and I'll price it
Is it a TT product or one made for it? I put the ARD on yesterday and was surprised that it does not lose very much light gathering. How much is the sunshade?
I have the ARD that comes with new TT. However I assumed a sunshade would be better since brighter picture. Maybe not?

A sunshade won't reduce brightness at all, so they will be brighter which may become advantageous in low light conditions (though, in those conditions you don't need a sunshade obviously). On bright days, days with lots of mirage, morning/evening shooting toward the sun or when there are reflections off other objects causing glare, etc, an ARD can offer a significantly improved view over the view with a sunshade or nothing at all.

ARDs will reduce brightness by some amount, but the amount differs depending upon the design. We did much testing before settling on a design that reduces brightness significantly less than a typical Tenebraex ARD. We did this by increasing the size of the honeycomb:


While that would reduce the effectiveness of eliminating off-axis light (and concealability) if done alone, we also make the honeycomb section longer so much of that is gained back while keeping the brighter picture. And while longer than most other ARDs, ours are shorter than the sunshades most people use--and a sunshade needs to be really, really long to approach the same effectiveness at eliminating off axis light.

Anyway, those are some of the reasons some who are not on a two-way range use an ARD over a sunshade (for those who are the advantages are pretty obvious). Unfortunately the view through many brands of ARDs can be pretty dark and depressing. We've worked hard on ours to eliminate most of that issue.
Is it a TT product or one made for it? I put the ARD on yesterday and was surprised that it does not lose very much light gathering. How much is the sunshade?

yes the sunshade was a TT made product, but they are no long offering it. They say there reworking it. so now only the ARD is offered.
I can confirm that Jon A is correct in that the TT ARD shuts off the light transmission quite significantly. You can screw a US Optics ARD into the scopes natively, and USO is the best ARD I've used to date for civilian applications. The TT ARD is the absolute and clear victor if you are on a two way range. Many benefits to the TT there vs others.
Thanks. Looks like they do make one for the 525 but no idea if this would fit the 315. Do you have a way to measure the power ring on both of these optics. I could measure the 315p if you only had a 525 in stock to compare. Thanks.
I talked to Switchview and gave measurements yesterday. Says one they currently make, will work with the TT but the clamp will not fully close. Small gap but still have plenty of thread engagement to work properly. So I'm giving it a try. Mag ring is 1.870 from what I mic up. I didn't ask specifically what optic it was for, but I believe it was a Burris optic. Well see when it gets here later this week. Says from my measurements I gave him, it will work.
If the 315M is the same as the 525P on mag ring size then Aadland has a throw lever for it. I sent him my 525 awhile back and he made it. Very nice fit and finish, great quality.

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