ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?


Full Member
Jan 16, 2010

I want to learn precision shooting but dont want to learn all the crazy adjustments. How many yards can you shoot with an ACOG without adjusting for anything? What range difference is there between a 14.5 inch Colt M4, 16 inch Colt M4, and 20 inch M16? Will any make shooting distance alot easier?

Is the AR the best platform to put an ACOG on?

Which ACOG where combat tested and approved? Im guessing 4x is the magnification I should use. How much skill does it take to use an ACOG when compared to a traditional Leupold Mark 4 Tactical? Can I use the same ACOG on a 16 and 14.5 inch rifle? I am under the impression that these make 500-700 yard prescion shooting reachable for novice shooters?

How would you use one under 50 yards if you where in a fire fight?
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

precision shooting and not "learning all the crazy adjustments" are antithetical.

suggest you get a NM AR and learn how to adjust iron sights. then worry about high dollar glass
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

For your questions, I have a few in return to get a better idea of what you're looking for.

1. What's your approximate budget?
2. Are you looking for a dedicated SPR or an all-around AR practice gun?
3. How much experience do you have driving an AR-type rifle?

I thoroughly enjoy my ACOG TA01NSN. I had it downrange with me and it performed flawlessly. It would take a really bad financial crisis for me to sell it. Some shooters like the chevron reticle better than the crosshairs, but I prefer the crosshairs.
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

Seems like you've selected equipment first rather than deciding on what you want to do and then selecting the best equipment for that purpose. AR's are cetainly capable of shooting out to 700 yards but most novices doing precision shooting at those distances won't be doing it with a 4-6x Acog.

Are you looking for short range quick acquisition shooting or long range precision shooting? You really need an M4 versus an AR15?

I'd suggest deciding on the purpose first and then get equipment that will fit both the bill and your budget.
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

Im not saying this because I know or anything, but I think an ACOG has like a 4moa dot (feel free to correct me, I pulled that number off the top of my head). That isnt what I would call precision.

Imo 50 yards is sh*t in your pants close, id want a shotgun for that range, or a full auto fun switch.
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jeff</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have no problem shooting my 18" gun at 500 yards with my 4xTAO1NSN </div></div>

Shooting and Precision Shooting are NOT the same thing. My point is that there are better scopes for precision shooting at 500+ yards than a 4x scope with a 4+MOA recticle. No doubt that an experienced operator can hit a man sized target at range with one but there are better choices for smaller more precise targets.
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Pok</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Im not saying this because I know or anything, but I think an ACOG has like a 4moa dot (feel free to correct me, I pulled that number off the top of my head). That isnt what I would call precision.</div></div>
You're half correct - some ACOGs' such as the TA11 have a 4 MOA <span style="font-style: italic">Donut</span> (a circle rather than a dot). The Donut is about 4 MOA in diameter, with the center of the Donut being 3 MOA and the "ring" being .5 MOA wide. Its' great for fast acquisition but sucks for precision.

However, the stadia lines of the TA11 always allowed me to hit torso-sized steel at 600 with my Bushmaster 16" Shorty (I never tried farther with the Bushy as my range only has steel out to 600). I just sold the Bushy upper and replaced it with an <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">LWRC M6A2-S</span></span> piston upper (16.1" barrel). People's accuracy with LWRC piston guns varies from 1 to 2 MOA, so I'll be happy if I can maintain my accuracy with the M6A2-S.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Pok</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Imo 50 yards is sh*t in your pants close, id want a shotgun for that range, or a full auto fun switch.</div></div>
I'd take an AR or a select-fire with irons or a TA11 over a shottie at 50 yards any day of the week and twice on Sunday...

Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jeff</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have no problem shooting my 18" gun at 500 yards with my 4xTAO1NSN </div></div>

No problems here either shooting 300yrds+ w/ a TA01 NSN on a WOA 18" SPR bbl.



Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

LW, I think I know what you mean. Purchase a traditional tube optic w/ mil dots.

2) Purchase an ACOG: Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight. This is a day optic with magnification (4x) that is designed more for the soldier on the move, quick target aquisition and not fooling around much with ranges and dials.

If you have like a 20" AR flattop, my suggestion is get the RCO version of the ACOG, (the USMS A4 one), as it is designed specifically for 20" using M855 and not some average like the TA51F.

This is what I have on my SDMR which I just posted thread on and I like it.
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

The ACOG's I see that and am aware of that our troops are using are the (the Marines) TA31RCOM4 for the 14.5" M4 (which can also be used for the 16" barrel civilian M4's)and the TA31RCOA4 for the 20" barrels. I not sure which ACOG the Army uses but I think I've seen the TA01NSN in use. Please feel free to correct me.
As for shooting 600 to 800 yards with a 4X ACOG I feel it's a a stretch. I have 4 ACOG's (all 4X) on various AR's and find it ok for man sized target on long shots but put a Leupold vari X III 6.5-20x40 EFR on my Colt 6600 HBar for serious loner distance shots.
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

I have a TA01 NSN - I like it. Compact and quick - great for "snap" style shooting, but not a precision tool IMHO.

If you are looking at ACOG money (what is it these days, upwards of $1,200 to around $2,200?)...I'd be checking out the NF Compacts with mildot reticle/milrad clicks...or the USO SN3 with similar.

Benefits? Amongst others:

1) More mag
2) "Precision" adjustments
3) "Standard" reticle, easy to learn/understand and transfer to other scopes

Whichever way you go...hope it works out.
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

The TA01-NSN has a crosshair with "amber" illumination, the illumination (tritium) is actually a offwhite which will ghost out the reticle during periods of dusk before the illumination is actually useable.
Its probably IMHO the worst of the ACOG versions for duty usage, however the crosshair is the best for target shooting.

For 4x ACOG's I prefer the TA31F (and RCO)Chevron Reticles or the TA31 "Donut of Death" in ACOG's for duty usage.

I've shot TA01NSN's out to 900m with a M4A1 (I actually got hits on a 4x4' screen) by aiming past the berm on a disernable branch on a pine tree about 45' above my target using the 600m "end" ranging reticle.

FYI I think the 3.5x TA11 series ACOG's are much more user friendly on AR platforms due to more generous eye relief.
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: LWRC556</div><div class="ubbcode-body">}TA51-Mt.html

I want to learn precision shooting but dont want to learn all the crazy adjustments. How many yards can you shoot with an ACOG without adjusting for anything? What range difference is there between a 14.5 inch Colt M4, 16 inch Colt M4, and 20 inch M16? Will any make shooting distance alot easier?

Is the AR the best platform to put an ACOG on?

Which ACOG where combat tested and approved? Im guessing 4x is the magnification I should use. How much skill does it take to use an ACOG when compared to a traditional Leupold Mark 4 Tactical? Can I use the same ACOG on a 16 and 14.5 inch rifle? I am under the impression that these make 500-700 yard prescion shooting reachable for novice shooters?

How would you use one under 50 yards if you where in a fire fight? </div></div>

I am quoting this b/c you said a mouthful.

A) The BDC in the ACOG is load and barrel specific. The best advice is to call Trijicon and ask them exactly which load and which barrel length they used to come up with the BDC for the particular model that you are interested in. In general know that the BDC (regardless) is going to be close but not 100%. Compare and contrast FOV and eye relief and consider this when you purchase.

B) An ACOG can be used on any weapon which the BDC corresponds well with and provides an adequate means of mounting. I have used them on FALs as well and shot to 700 - kind of a joke with an FAL but - whatever.

C) As for the rest of it - it is not a miracle worker. It will flatten the learning curve a bit *if* you learn to understand MOAs and their relationship as the distance grows. Unlike a conventional 'scope' you (may) adjust, you will simply hold. Thus you need a very good understanding of the reticle and how to fractionalize it. The ladder bars are 19" wide - roughly shoulder to shoulder at the collar bone - this is how distance is calculated with an ACOG. You need to be able to make a wind call, figure the wind hold off in terms of MOAs, then be able to fractionalize the appropriate ladder for the distance that you are shooting. As an example (77s out of an 18" - 20") 600 yrds - 4 mph wind, 1/2 value = 1.29 MOA hold off. Your 600 yrd ladder is a total of 19.89 MOA - fractionalize that for the correct hold off.

D) Close in - you shoot with both eyes open. You will need to learn to scan and acquire targets with the non optic eye, swing to the target, and as you come on the target - transition to receiving optic inputs to your brain from the optically enhanced eye. As soon as the shot is made, transition back to receiving brain inputs from the non optic eye and continue to scan and acquire. My split times are about the same in close (3 - 30) with an ACOG as they are with an Aimpoint. At intermediate distances (35 - 100) it is actually harder to force myself to quickly transition back to the non optic eye. Learning to transition inputs to the brain quickly is the key to shooting these fast from 3 - 100.

I have shot an ACOG well with 77's out to 650 however I find a the MIL based reticle in a Short Dot much faster to fractionalize, although that is a failing on my part simply b/c there is less math involved and I am more comfortable with a MIL based reticle. I like the doughnut reticle b/c I think it is faster in close. It is a little harder to shoot well at 100 - 300 simply b/c you are using a circle as opposed to a point to aim with.

Learning to shoot irons first is a really good idea.

Good luck
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: KevinB-KAC</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
I've shot TA01NSN's out to 900m with a M4A1 (I actually got hits on a 4x4' screen) by aiming past the berm on a disernable branch on a pine tree about 45' above my target using the 600m "end" ranging reticle.

FYI I think the 3.5x TA11 series ACOG's are much more user friendly on AR platforms due to more generous eye relief.</div></div>

Kevin makes a good point. With te TA01NSN my nose is pretty much on the rear charging handle to get the right eye relief.

On the ability of the TA01NSN, no complaints and, if registering hits is all you need, then I don't think you'd be disappointed.

Other ACOG's are perhaps better choices (can't confirm or deny as I've only used the TA012NSN)...but for me "precision" means more than hitting a 4 foot square at 900m. The V Bull on a UK NRA target at 900yds is 14.4"). For me at least I'd like more mag and better (more readable and trackable...if that makes sense?)elevation/windage indication that I get on the TA01NSN.
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

As a general rule. The longer the barrel the more FPS you get and more accurate you will be. As for the ACOG they are $$$. But if you want accuracy and reflex capability go with 4x32 with Dr optics mount pretty decent optic i used this while i was in iraq and it works flawlessly and its tritium powered no batteries. Trijicon makes them . Acogs come in 2 calibers .308(7.62x51) and .223(5.56) at least they were designed for these. You will have to use iron sight to make sure you are accurate, and THEN put the ACOG on and adjust elevation and windage accordingly. 16"-18; is decent barrel length
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

Barrel length has nothing to do with accuracy as has been discussed here many times.

JP / Dr O piggy backed - something you may want to try. IMHO it is unnecessary if you shoot with independent eye / brain inputs; and by my timer considerably slower on a mixed distance course b/c it promotes bobbing between optics - same as the horrendous double stack RDS / magnified optic package on a G36.

Good luck
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

LWRC556, we haven't heard back from you yet? I'll still throw my 2 cents in for you.

The ACOG will help you shoot more precisely but won't make you a precision shooter. It is bar none the best all around combat optic availible today because of its size, durabilty, and the excellent reticle. With the calibrated reticle and range finding crossbars it does make it both easy and fast for even a novice shooter to hit a target at 500m (max effective range of the M4 MEF= 50% hit rate with no shooter error)

It is designed and calibrated for the AR platform as a multipurpose combat optic. This means it is a compromise and IT IS a compromise! It is NOT the best long range optic NOR it is the best close quarters optic.

This is why everyone on the SH is asking what you need it for and what you are looking for.
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

IMHO the PiggyBack systems on the TA01NSN and TA31DOC are worthless. You get two distinct positions, and under stress tend to default to the checkweld thru the x4 optic.
Many units tried this out pre 9/11 and while its an option its hardly the better option.

BAC ACOG's tend to 'throw' rounds due to parallex issues when used as a 1x CCO, the 4x more than the 3.5" but still several inches inside 25m which makes it unacceptable for a duty optic in that role, at least in a precision clearing role.

I think the TA31 and TA11 optics are good field optics, but they are not the be all and end all, as some are reporting.
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TNT</div><div class="ubbcode-body">precision shooting and not "learning all the crazy adjustments" are antithetical.

suggest you get a NM AR and learn how to adjust iron sights. then worry about high dollar glass </div></div>

Join your local high power shooting club. After a season of high power out to 600 yards, you will have a much better understanding of wind drift and bullet trajectory, and learning to make adjustments for them on a scope will not seem such a daunting task.

However, in direct answer to your question, if you look at the ACOG website, each ACOG with a ballistic reticle says for which caliber and rifle it is optimized. Which platform is best? There are lots that are excellent, so rather than overwhelm you, I suggest you go to the Noveske website and select any rifle there, which will provide very accurate and reliable service, and if you sell it, will retain its value quite well.

ACOGs are great and I love them. But for precision shooting, a bit more scope is needed. If you get a Leupold Mark 4 with ballistic cam, then just use a laser rangefinder to determine range to target, turn the cam to that range, estimate wind velocity and drift, make an adjustment or use Kentucky windage, and shoot. This will get you going in long range shooting, and you can learn a lot by trial and error.
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

Would take a book to answer all your questions. The ACOG is designed for shooting at man-sized targets quickly out to 600-800 yards. Most of us would consider precision shooting to be shooting at 1-5" bullseyes at ranges of 100 to 1000+ yards in a deliberate fashion. Decide what you want to do and what rifle you want to use and then start picking an optic.
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

Agree with Wild_Man you seem to want 2 distinct types of shooting. ACOG's for man sized target and Night Force NXS series are the scopes I have for each use but on different rifles. ACOG's on my Colt 6920(TA31F) and SCAR TA31RCOM4) and NF NXS on my TRG 22.
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

I don't understand how he wants to do any kind of shooting without making adjustments. If you're spending the money to get an ACOG why would you not want to use it to it's full capabilities or expect to get anywhere near the accuracy you should without making adjustments? I'd say get yourself a cheap red dot sight and just blast away.
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kenhil2</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I don't understand how he wants to do any kind of shooting without making adjustments. If you're spending the money to get an ACOG why would you not want to use it to it's full capabilities or expect to get anywhere near the accuracy you should without making adjustments? I'd say get yourself a cheap red dot sight and just blast away.</div></div>


The ACOG is designed for field use, not National Match competitions, the idea is you zero it, but the caps back on and use "Kentucky Windage" for wind and different ranges.

The red dot sight comment is just out in left field.
Re: ACOG? Which one? Which rifle should I put it on?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mo_Zam_Beek</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
B) An ACOG can be used on any weapon which the BDC corresponds well with and provides an adequate means of mounting. I have used them on FALs as well and shot to 700 - kind of a joke with an FAL but - whatever.</div></div>
How did that go? My acog has 1.5 inches of eye relief, I would imagine you have more than that?