Action screw torque? B14 SQUARED CREST


Oct 13, 2018
North Carolina
Just received this gun yesterday and topped it with a Swaro Z6 2.5-15x56 BT PLEX Talley 20 moa base and Nightforce Ultra lite extreme duty rings. Can not get this gun to group with Eldx 200gr Factory, Eldx 212 hand load, or cheaper federal fusion 180gr…all over every where.brought home and have redone everything to specs (I thought I already done it correctly but we are human) I have the stock off but there is no mention of action screw torque for this particular rifle. If some are not aware it is a Carbon Fiber Stock. Their first ( I think) of this kind but it is in the B-14 Line. I looked on bergara and last time they mentioned action screw settings was 2021. Any one a have word of advice?
If snugging the screws cracks it then bergaras are an even bigger piece of shit than even I could have imagined.
Yes that correct rifle in your initial post in Win Mag….gun feels great..but at 200yrds shooting 8” left one shot, letting barrel cool, then second shot 8” right or high..never seen a gun that off..just want to check action screws. My Christensen came glass bedded and when I took it apart it had blue loctite on the action screws, this bergara has no loctite
67 inch pounds front and back . Front snugged first . I believe this is listed in the literature that comes with the rifle also .
but at 200yrds shooting 8” left one shot, letting barrel cool, then second shot 8” right or high

If it's that far off then something is either loose or broken. I would:

1) Remove the scope mount from the rail
2) Remove the action from the stock
3) Check to make sure the pic rail is torqued correctly - I would ask if you've bedded the rail, but it wouldn't cause this kind of error. Still, you should bed the rail regardless if you haven't.
4) Inspect the stock for cracks/damage
5) Reinstall the action into the stock and torque per spec
6) See if it shoots.
If it's that far off then something is either loose or broken. I would:

1) Remove the scope mount from the rail
2) Remove the action from the stock
3) Check to make sure the pic rail is torqued correctly - I would ask if you've bedded the rail, but it wouldn't cause this kind of error. Still, you should bed the rail regardless if you haven't.
4) Inspect the stock for cracks/damage
5) Reinstall the action into the stock and torque per spec
6) See if it shoots.
Found the issue or issues there may have been two. First the scope is. 15x56 BT that scope for hunting and the ease of dialing general distances within out using/counting clicks. It worked on a 506 yard whitetail last season that I had to get on quickly because of the rut and his constant chasing of a hot doe.

Hated the gun I shot deer with. One shot gun and after that…your lucky to get within 4” at 100. Sold it and kept scope and rings.

Got this gun in Friday and mounted same scope and rings rail I knew was right becuase I put it on the morning with blue loctite to specs recommended and torqued to that. Scope and rings I put on that night. Bubble levels and everything.
Here’s where I started thinking after shooting that it has to be the rings. Before I set scope into rings I notice a white chalky residue on inside of rings. BTW rings are “Nightforce Ultra Lite Extreme Duty”. I just wiped (I thought) the residue off. When about doing everything get scope mounted
correctly. Remembering after a few hours (maybe more) at the range. “that white stuff” I came home and disassembled everything. More white chalky build up and front rings had gripped scope tightly because of that stuff, there was a light rings mark but was able to rub scope enough to get mark completely off. Took rings off and washed them with hot water…after drying the white came back…I took a small razor knife and gently started scraping as not to mess with the lapping already done to the rings. It was crusty micro thin chalky almost aluminum oxidation looking stuff. I do believe it may have been the loctite I had put on the scope the previous season.
Got it all clean and every back to spec.
Also took out action screws and set them to recommend torque whit is 55” lbs…guns is group well now at 200. Not what I want because I need to find the load it real real likes…but now it’s 4” groups at 200 instead of damn near 16. I DID NOT LOCTITE RING CAP SCREWS AGAIN THIS TIME. I just set titanium bolt that mounts to rail to 68”lbs per nightforce. I will be getting this gun bedded, it’s not at all. Floating yes and checked that also to make sure no debris or anything was touching my barrel that I could not see when gun was assembled.