So, perhaps like others, I got a KRG as an entry level chassis to shoot long range matches. I didn’t want to dump a bunch of money into it and then find that long range/prs wasn’t my thing.
Also, perhaps like others, I still haven’t shot a match but I’ve shot a fair bit with the setup—ARC nucleus, rock creek heavy Palma chambered in 6cm by Stumpy’s Custom Guns in NC, mated together with a switchlug, sitting in a krg bravo with a leupold lrp on top.
I enjoy it and I’m planning to shoot my first match at Altus this fall after moving to the area.
All that said, I also found that running a can (which I much prefer to a brake) I was having a tough time spotting shots.
The only place to add weight outside of a rebarrel/bags/bipod was the stock.
I looked at buying another stock/chassis but having not shot a match I just wasn’t sure I wanted to dedicate the cash. More room for bullets/practice and bourbon.
I did a little research and for <$300 I brought the bravo from 3.2lbs (on my home scale) to 8.2lbs. Best of all, if I want to upgrade eventually I haven’t really permanently altered anything so I can sell it all down the line to fund a different stock. If you haven’t bought a stock or chassis yet and you want one in the 8lb range this probably isn’t for you, but if you’ve got a bravo and you’re moving in a step-wise fashion this may be of use to you.
You’ll need the following:
Raven rock 1lb forend weight $85; 16oz
Available via Facebook/email; if you’re hesitant about stuff like that, so was I. Don’t be. Dustin was prompt, transparent, and friendly. He seems to be good people. pretty good review here:
Area 419 weighted arca rail with all 5 weights $185; 23.5oz
Krg flat bag rider $11; 1.8oz
A bag of #9 lead shot. $50 (but you won’t use most of it and it has many uses—so I’m cheating a bit here on price-you’ll use about $5 of it)
How to do it:
1. Take apart forend of the krg bravo (8 screws plus front action screw-don’t forget that little bastard)
2. Install the arca rail onto the bravo polymer forend sleeve. You’ll notice that only 4 mlok screws/nuts line up with the arca slots on the area 419 rail. Don’t worry, it works well. Also, don’t worry if you think I’ve got steps backwards—this will be coming back apart.
3. One the arca is mated to the bravo polymer forend, using a Dremel with a 426 reinforced cutoff wheel, saw off the exposed screws in the polymer sleeve. Saw them off right at the mlok nut. NOTE: don’t use a 1.5” cutoff wheel. The polymer sleeve isn’t wide enough. NOTE: you’ll probably chew the plastic sleeve up a bit. It’ll live. You can buy another one if you want to ($90 from KRG)
4. Disassemble this assembly
5. Place raven rock brass weight in only place it will fit (spaced by screw holes and recoil lug slot) within the bravo aluminum backbone.
6. Sit 4 m-lok nuts the only places they’ll fit on the raven rock brass weight (only place they’ll fit and still allow the arca rail to be installed-they should be able to move slightly even after you screw the polymer sleeve on for final adjustment)
7. Replace front action screw. DONT FORGET THIS STEP-you can but you’ll have to disassemble/reassemble to put it in later to connect your action-ask me how I know....
8. Place polymer sleeve over these and make sure the nuts line up in the mlok slots
9. Screw original “polymer forend to aluminum backbone” screws back into polymer sleeve and through brass block into aluminum bravo backbone
10. Using the screws you cut off, screw the arca rail into the mlok nuts that you previously positioned
11. Install krg flat bag rider per krg instructions NOTE: do this before putting shot in the butt of your stock or it’ll pour out the two holes in the base...everywhere...absolutely everywhere
12. Remove the recoil pad/spacers.
13. Pour as much shot as you can into the butt of the stock. I used an old plastic lemon juice bottle to direct it into the various chambers. Don’t try to pour it out of the bag...ask me how I know...everywhere
14. Reinstall the recoil pad/spacers
you now have a stock that weighs ~8lbs helping to absorb recoil and improve shot spotting. you also now have an arca rail.
I use the two included plastic spacers, the included qd sling cup, and an mlok qd sling cup (installed in the front, forward, right, mlok slot) at baseline. With the above changes my bravo went from 3.2 with those to 8.2 lbs. the expensive stuff above weighs about 2.5lbs meaning I added about 2.5lbs of shot.
I have no idea if this works with the various optional butt assemblies with quick adjustment. If you know, p
Ways to add more weight:
-krg sells weighted spacers; 0.66lbs apiece
-you can add shot to the middle of the butt of the stock and the grip too. Be careful, the grip section isn’t #9 shot proof. It sneaks out at the “snap”...everywhere. You could put it in a plastic bag or a condom and stick it in there
-there’s probably other ways. Post if you know how
I hope this helps someone!
Also, perhaps like others, I still haven’t shot a match but I’ve shot a fair bit with the setup—ARC nucleus, rock creek heavy Palma chambered in 6cm by Stumpy’s Custom Guns in NC, mated together with a switchlug, sitting in a krg bravo with a leupold lrp on top.
I enjoy it and I’m planning to shoot my first match at Altus this fall after moving to the area.
All that said, I also found that running a can (which I much prefer to a brake) I was having a tough time spotting shots.
The only place to add weight outside of a rebarrel/bags/bipod was the stock.
I looked at buying another stock/chassis but having not shot a match I just wasn’t sure I wanted to dedicate the cash. More room for bullets/practice and bourbon.
I did a little research and for <$300 I brought the bravo from 3.2lbs (on my home scale) to 8.2lbs. Best of all, if I want to upgrade eventually I haven’t really permanently altered anything so I can sell it all down the line to fund a different stock. If you haven’t bought a stock or chassis yet and you want one in the 8lb range this probably isn’t for you, but if you’ve got a bravo and you’re moving in a step-wise fashion this may be of use to you.
You’ll need the following:
Raven rock 1lb forend weight $85; 16oz
Available via Facebook/email; if you’re hesitant about stuff like that, so was I. Don’t be. Dustin was prompt, transparent, and friendly. He seems to be good people. pretty good review here:
Area 419 weighted arca rail with all 5 weights $185; 23.5oz

Universal Weight-Tunable ARCALOCK Rail
ARCALOCK has been a huge success since its release in July of 2018. As the rails have become more popular, we have also seen the rise in popularity of rifle weight kits. With the introduction of the Manners TCS stock in late 2019, we designed and built an ARCALOCK weight system, and are ready to...

Krg flat bag rider $11; 1.8oz
Bravo Flat Bag Rider – Kinetic Research Group

A bag of #9 lead shot. $50 (but you won’t use most of it and it has many uses—so I’m cheating a bit here on price-you’ll use about $5 of it)

Building on 100 years of shot-making experience, the folks at Lawrence design their shot to pattern tightly and deliver deep penetration on game. Flows great through shotshell reloaders, too. Magnum Lead Shot is made out of a high-antimony alloy t...
How to do it:
1. Take apart forend of the krg bravo (8 screws plus front action screw-don’t forget that little bastard)
2. Install the arca rail onto the bravo polymer forend sleeve. You’ll notice that only 4 mlok screws/nuts line up with the arca slots on the area 419 rail. Don’t worry, it works well. Also, don’t worry if you think I’ve got steps backwards—this will be coming back apart.
3. One the arca is mated to the bravo polymer forend, using a Dremel with a 426 reinforced cutoff wheel, saw off the exposed screws in the polymer sleeve. Saw them off right at the mlok nut. NOTE: don’t use a 1.5” cutoff wheel. The polymer sleeve isn’t wide enough. NOTE: you’ll probably chew the plastic sleeve up a bit. It’ll live. You can buy another one if you want to ($90 from KRG)
4. Disassemble this assembly
5. Place raven rock brass weight in only place it will fit (spaced by screw holes and recoil lug slot) within the bravo aluminum backbone.
6. Sit 4 m-lok nuts the only places they’ll fit on the raven rock brass weight (only place they’ll fit and still allow the arca rail to be installed-they should be able to move slightly even after you screw the polymer sleeve on for final adjustment)
7. Replace front action screw. DONT FORGET THIS STEP-you can but you’ll have to disassemble/reassemble to put it in later to connect your action-ask me how I know....
8. Place polymer sleeve over these and make sure the nuts line up in the mlok slots
9. Screw original “polymer forend to aluminum backbone” screws back into polymer sleeve and through brass block into aluminum bravo backbone
10. Using the screws you cut off, screw the arca rail into the mlok nuts that you previously positioned
11. Install krg flat bag rider per krg instructions NOTE: do this before putting shot in the butt of your stock or it’ll pour out the two holes in the base...everywhere...absolutely everywhere
12. Remove the recoil pad/spacers.
13. Pour as much shot as you can into the butt of the stock. I used an old plastic lemon juice bottle to direct it into the various chambers. Don’t try to pour it out of the bag...ask me how I know...everywhere
14. Reinstall the recoil pad/spacers
you now have a stock that weighs ~8lbs helping to absorb recoil and improve shot spotting. you also now have an arca rail.
I use the two included plastic spacers, the included qd sling cup, and an mlok qd sling cup (installed in the front, forward, right, mlok slot) at baseline. With the above changes my bravo went from 3.2 with those to 8.2 lbs. the expensive stuff above weighs about 2.5lbs meaning I added about 2.5lbs of shot.
I have no idea if this works with the various optional butt assemblies with quick adjustment. If you know, p
Ways to add more weight:
-krg sells weighted spacers; 0.66lbs apiece
-you can add shot to the middle of the butt of the stock and the grip too. Be careful, the grip section isn’t #9 shot proof. It sneaks out at the “snap”...everywhere. You could put it in a plastic bag or a condom and stick it in there
-there’s probably other ways. Post if you know how
I hope this helps someone!