Adding weight to a Manners T4? (CZ 455 PT)


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Jun 18, 2010
Love my 455 Precision Trainer, but if there was anything missing from making it FEEL like a full size rifle (dimensionally it is,) it is the weight.

I'm not looking to turn it into a benchrest gun, but I would like to replicate the weight of my full size guns.

I'm thinking that lead could be countersunk into the barrel channel and epoxied in, but then the balance might be screwed.

Anyone have any better ideas?
You might consider hollowing out the back of the buttstock from beneath the recoil pad, and adding lead there as well. The only crappy part will be replacing the buttstock. They are glued on.
Another thought I had was to cross-drill the side of the buttstock. Maybe 4 to 6, one inch holes in a Swiss cheese pattern. Then you could slip in 1" OD lead or steel ingots. Leave the ingots a little short of the width of the stock so you can cover the holes with a little epoxy. This option obviously requires a little refinishing work.
you can try lead shifting away from epoxy and gluing it with silicon : you can find it in several grades of strenght, from the lower to the the stronger brands used in marine craft (as Sikaflex)_ if after the lead placement the balance will be unsatisfiyng, it will be easier to adjust it, without chiseling the epoxy glue_
it's only matter of personal feelings, anyway:some rifles "feels" better with lead in the stock ( tried on my 700), others in the barrel channel (Anschutz has some models with 3 contersunked lead pits in the barrel channel, to aid the standing shooter's balance, I suppose)_ The main trick is foresee a way to backing away from the a wrong experiment, if needed, with the minimum hassle_