ADG 7 PRC AMP annealer code


Full Member
Jun 20, 2014
Vancouver, WA
Now that ADG has had a run of 7 PRC brass has anyone ran one through their AMP? I only grabbed two boxes of brass and hoping someone would share their code. Trying to get around destroying a piece for the AMP to analyze.
Aren't you supposed to burn up several and take the average?
I think that’s the recommended approach if you don’t neck turn. I have a bunch of Lapua 6.5 Creedmoor brass that haven’t been neck turned and ran five pieces that all came out with the same code. Hoping that factory ADG brass is consistent enough that burning just one will work.
according to AMP, neck wall thickness and weight have large affects on the code. If you weigh a bunch of cases and use one in the middle, it should be good. They say over a .5 grain difference may change the results. That’s off of their website, and it’s worth a read. My ADG lot of brass seems to be very consistent.