Re: Adjustable Gas Block of Any Benefit?
I think the main issue is that the main adustable GB I've seen is the JP and it is adjustable, and then you are supposed to Locktite it in place. I guess it really is tunable, since once locktited it is no longer adjustable.
I wish someone would come out with a something besides the two step and big Noveske Switchblock.
I think the conventional wisdom is that the Adj GB are not appropriate for a defense or duty gun since the adjust screw could cause issues.
That adjustable gas and light operating system also can make for a faster running gun. I noticed it when I was taking pics of standard ARs versus JPs. That bolt is moving way faster in the JP then in the standard ARs- it seemed to cycle twice as fast. When taking a pic of standard AR, I would easily capture the ejecting brass near the rifle, I struggled to get the brass in the picture frame with the JP.