Advice--this is a long one.


Full Member
Dec 15, 2009
Dallas, TX
I need some advice. I have some property that is OVERWHELMED with wild hogs. I need to thin them out as much as possible and allow the deer and turkey to recuperate. This is not for sport. This is for nuisance animal control. Hogs are active at night. I am looking at a three part killing system:
1) Gun
2) Silencer
3) NV sight
The purpose of this rifle is to kill as many hogs as possible. I don’t care about it looking good for pic’s or looking good at the range. Being useful is key.

1)Rifle: I am thinking a POF .308. I like the DPMS and Noveske, but neither have the built in gas plug to switch between silencer/non silencer shooting. Not sure how important that feature is. Does anyone here shoot any of these guns on a regular basis with a can? Advice?

2)Can: I have no experience with these. I want to make sure the one I get is as quiet and hassle free as possible and work well with the .308. Any experience shooting subsonic shells? Is there an advantage/disadvantage to sub-sonic shells in this hog killing scenario? I have been told I will need to manual cycle sub-sonic shells, this will slow down follow up shots.

3)Sight: I have limited experience with NV. From what I gather they are in 2 different configurations 1) stand alone NV scope 2) NV device that looks through a sight, like an EOTECH sight. It would be awesome if I could get something like a set of NV binoculars that I could walk around with and use them to see through the site on the gun. Any suggestions?

Anyone up for killing some hogs?
Re: Advice--this is a long one.

Rifle - I have a DPMS LR308 that I shoot suppressed. I'm very happy with the accuracy and reliability of the rifle both suppressed and not. You will need an adjustable gas block. JP makes one that will work just fine. Unsuppressed I open the block up 1.5 turns, suppressed, 5/8 - 3/4 turn. You will also need a gas buster or shoot with a towel over the back of the charge handle when shooting suppressed. That gas will make your eyes water!!

Suppressor - I shoot a AAC 7.62SD. It's a quick detach can and I'm happy with its sound reduction and ease of attachment and removal. I've never had the can loosen up when shooting. A thread on only can MAY loosen after repeated firing with the additional movement of the rifles action.

Sight - Sorry, can't help there.

A word about suppresion and a semi auto. It has been my experiance that a suppressed bolt will be quieter. A suppressed semi is still nice but the bolt is nicer.
Re: Advice--this is a long one.

For subsonic use, it would help to know what distances you will encounter while hunting. If you'll be at close range, a 45 ACP carbine with can would be fine.
Re: Advice--this is a long one.

I would have to say that the most cost effective measure of geting rid of your hog problem would be inviting some friends from your favorite website "cough" Snipershide "cough" to come out and have some fun. I would imagine a few good marksmen and a couple of evenings later, your hog problem would be a lot less of a problem.
Re: Advice--this is a long one.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SnkBit</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I would have to say that the most cost effective measure of geting rid of your hog problem would be inviting some friends from your favorite website "cough" Snipershide "cough" to come out and have some fun. I would imagine a few good marksmen and a couple of evenings later, your hog problem would be a lot less of a problem.

Re: Advice--this is a long one.

I've never shot a hog........ By the way the EO Tech holographic sights are extremely nice and simpe to use. They have a NV setting. I'd suggest the NV that the Marines are wanting to use on their M40A5s, it attaches to a rail in front of the sight. That NV goes after the sight so the sight would need an illumination of some sort. There is a NV that goes in the FTS magnifier mount that's quick detach (for EO Tech). That way you can quickly swap from NV to 3x or 4x magnification.
Re: Advice--this is a long one.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ArcticFun</div><div class="ubbcode-body">........ By the way the EO Tech holographic sights are extremely nice and simpe to use. They have a NV setting... </div></div>

Not all Eotech's have a NV setting. Make sure you check the specs for the one you buy.
Re: Advice--this is a long one.

1) out to 200 yds I wouldn't rule out a good AR15 shooting heavies (75 or 77gr BTHP's). and I agree with the others on the adjustable gas block and gasbuster charging handle. noveske makes a nifty one for the .223.

2) I'm unsure of what can I'd go with but I'd definitely skip the subsonics. if you're going to shoot at pigs with a 200gr or less bullet going 1080fps or less you might as well have a handgun. not to mention the rainbow trajectory you'd have to deal with.

3) if you have the budget check out thermal. Thermal or NV I'd mount it in front of your day optic.

Re: Advice--this is a long one.

Why don't you take a sec, fill out your profile so we know where you're from,and we'll get an "eradication crew" together.We'll come out to your place,shoot the bastards, end your problem...without you having to "waste" thousands of dollars...
Re: Advice--this is a long one.

"1) out to 200 yds I wouldn't rule out a good AR15 shooting heavies (75 or 77gr BTHP's). and I agree with the others on the adjustable gas block and gasbuster charging handle. noveske makes a nifty one for the .223."

You guys must have small pigs to use such "soft" projectiles.
By the time you get through the mud and hair, then onto bone there are not a lot of projectiles in that type which perform well enough to consider it humane.

IF you use a 223 on pigs then use some decent "hard" hunting projectiles. Not match or SD projectiles. It's not the right tool for the job and limits you to PERFECT shots. I'm sure not everyone likes to do a job properly though.
Re: Advice--this is a long one.

dude, seriously bro. Where are you from. If I live near you, I have all the stuff you just mentioned, for two, and we will go kill hogs. PM me or something.
Re: Advice--this is a long one.

The best way to limit (you will not be able to eliminate them) your hog population is through a combination of trapping, hunting and running them with dogs. We do all three on our ranch (4000 acres) and unfortunately still have a stable population. The trapping is not much fun but it is actually more effective than the hunting and dogs. The best traps are large round corral traps built with t-posts and a dozen or so cattle panels (do not waste your time or money on the smaller rectangular traps). Use a saloon style trap door that opens in. Wire the door open and bait the trap, when you have the hogs coming regularly set the trap. We have caught 15 or so plus piglets at a time this way. This way you can catch a whole group, as opposed to 2 or 3 in the smaller trap, leaving the rest of them educated. Each sow can have 3 litters of 6 piglets a year. Studies have shown you need to kill about 80% of them to keep the population stable (not eliminate). Running them with dogs catches a few and tends to move them off of your property, but they are back soon. They are quite adaptable and learn quickly. We used to run them with hounds starting at daylight, after a while they adapted and left the property after feeding at night. Running them at night is quite an experience. Good luck! Where in OK are you located?
Re: Advice--this is a long one.

I run an EoTech 553 on my AR shooting 75gr hp's and love it. Tonight I just finished processing one of the hogs we shot sunday with that weapon, DRT. Hog's typically run in groups except for the occasional lone boar so the ability for fast follow up shots is a must. The EoTech makes this very easy.
Re: Advice--this is a long one.

Everybody has awesome advice. Thank you!! Native -I really like the helicopter video.
I was stretching the truth when I said this is not for sport. I need them gone, but I will enjoy doing it.
I agree 100% with the claymores. 1 case of beer + 6 claymores set strategically = a whole mess of fun.

Arctic fun---don’t worry the way hogs spread they will be in Alaska in a few years. You will be able to shoot all you want. Good advice on the sights.
ExHog—profile updated
Mammal--good advice on the NV setting
Snkbit, ExHogflyer, Scotts556, crazy bay –Let me work on that. Could be fun, and do the job.
Luvman, on 3) I have checked out some thermal. I am thinking about using thermal to locate and NV for a gun sight. Thermal is very expensive and what is available to civilians is low quality…may have to be a later date purchase. Good points on the subsonics.
Oodin, I will check that sight out. Thank you.
Exhogflyer, spending money on cool stuff I can shoot hogs with is hardly a waste. Just like a cold beer, I consider it necessary and could not think of a better Christmas present for myself.
DJA—I am from OKC, but live near Dallas now. I am going to build a large pin type trap in Jan or Feb. I am going to put a feeder over it, leave it for a month, then set it. Too much cactus for dogs.

When it’s all said and done I will get some hog pic’s on here with the gun.
Re: Advice--this is a long one.

be careful hunting hogs with the suppressor, i know that hunting any game animal in texas with one is illegal, and that includes predators. i dont know about hogs, but you had better check on it. by the way i know how you feel. i have 900 acres north of tyler that we have the same problem. 4 traps help tremendously
Re: Advice--this is a long one.

seaaggie, hogs are not a game animal in the state of Texas. They are not native and are very harmful to their environment. They are also being eradicated by state and government officials by any and all means neccessary.
Re: Advice--this is a long one.

i know the damn things are pestalance, i was giving the guy something to check on before he goes out. as i stated before i have 900 acres in texas that i have the same problem with the hogs. believe me i know how these hogs are.
Re: Advice--this is a long one.

Thank you for the advice seaaggie. Better safe than getting a big fine and all my stuff taken away. I checked with the wildlife department. They are considered exotics (they are neither game, nor non-game animals) and are owned by the landowner/leasee. Kill em however you can with whatever you can.
Re: Advice--this is a long one.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Elxx</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ur going about this all wrong. Fuck rifles. Get some claymores. Nuff said. </div></div>

Beat me to it.

My approach would be this:

Buy lots of Tannerite, think 50 lbs.

Break it down into 1 gal pails

Place pails out and pile corn on them.

Wait for Hogs to get into the corn and gather around the pail

Shoot pail and let the tannerite do the majority of the work.

Now just spotlight the dazed survivors and clean them off.

A 1gal pail holds ~ 8 lbs of Tannerite. Place the pails in several locations over the course of a week.
Re: Advice--this is a long one.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bohem</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Elxx</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ur going about this all wrong. Fuck rifles. Get some claymores. Nuff said. </div></div>

Beat me to it.

My approach would be this:

Buy lots of Tannerite, think 50 lbs.

Break it down into 1 gal pails

Place pails out and pile corn on them.

Wait for Hogs to get into the corn and gather around the pail

Shoot pail and let the tannerite do the majority of the work.

Now just spotlight the dazed survivors and clean them off.

A 1gal pail holds ~ 8 lbs of Tannerite. Place the pails in several locations over the course of a week. </div></div>

Would there actually be any legality to this method?

Not just with the method, but the use of the Tannerite, which walks a very fine line of legality as it is.
Re: Advice--this is a long one.

tannerites legal
hogs are pests

Kill at will

BTW. I'm in dallas and am heading up towards sherman to shoot some piggies this weekend. If you need some help in the area I'm more than happy to go with yah!