Bet this is the last time you ask for advice,,, but sorry , none of us are kidding one bit. I had an Indian buddy (American Citizen) when I lived in commie land, he came back from attending a wedding, almost died right at my work, had him laid out on the desk waiting for the paramedics to take him to the hospital, right out of a contagion movie, he almost died, 6 months in hospital in NYC, quarantined, medics came back took sampled from our water system took swabs from the desk he was laid out on, swabs from all over the bathroom, cleaned out his locker, we took his porn stash before they came so his wife didn't get it in case he died. He was never right after that, His name was Ali Kahn, good dude, a diesel mechanic that owned apartment buildings and NYC cabs. hard working guy.
Cut off a finger or a couple toes and call in sick.