If you want vastly better improvement here’s what you do,
1) remove the factory stock
2) now the gun is ready to be sold to the new owner with minimal shipping cost
Jokes aside. What are you looking for in a stock? Chassis or a actual stock? Hunting style or vertical grip etc?
For chassis- XLR/MDT/Mcree are good options
For stocks - HS Precision/hogue/choate/bell and Carlson. If you can find some HS takeoffs with the verticle grip from the FCP HS series or the M40 style from the 12 long range precision series
I’ve used every one mentioned above. My take is MDT for my favorite (ESS). XLR for light and compact, HS takeoff for best traditional stock and bell and Carlson for cheapest but close to HS
My B&C needed some material removed to float the tang.
The hogue is rubber textured which is nice for hunting but it tends to catch on stuff. It also has a forend that easily touched the barrel when flexed (particularly when utilizing a bipod). Material also had to be removed near the tang on this stock
Choate is a very solid option but they are heavy
Mcree is a nice chassis. But I like XLR and mdt better