Ive been reading reviews on 22lr match ammo. Ive been using CCI standard velocity. Im not looking for the best ammo available. I would like a good compromise between cost and consistency. The cci SV shoots ok out of my savage MKII. 1/2 inch groups at 50 yards with the occasional flyer. 1 inch groups at 100 with the occasional flyer blowing the group into 2 and change territory. Im ok with that. But after shipping the CCIs are .08 cent a shot. So ive started to look at other brands. I read a review here : http://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2684739
and it looks like the aguila gold eagle match out performed the CCI and some others.
Im just wondering if anyone has any experience with this ammo and could corroborate this.
and it looks like the aguila gold eagle match out performed the CCI and some others.
Im just wondering if anyone has any experience with this ammo and could corroborate this.