Rifle Scopes AI 338 AWM help with scope issue please


Full Member
Dec 4, 2009
Bristol, England UK
Hi, I am in need of help as i am well stuck, I picked up a used AI 338 AWM with a S&B 5-25 x 56 PM2. My issue is with the scope wound down as far as I can get it i am still 54cm above point of aim at 100 yards and 94cm above point of aim at 200 yards, this would give a zero of about 600 yards, I cant get a 100 yard zero something must be wrong. ANy idea how I can get the scope down to 100?

The scope mount is one piece onto the AI dove tail, the cant on the rail i don't know but over the length of the mount it drops 60 thou

I am using Lapua 250g scenar with 91.5 N160, giving 2997 fps
Re: AI 338 AWM help with scope issue please

Typically when guys can't get a 100 yard zero with an S&B it's due to not knowing how the zero stop feature works. Have you read the manual and are you sure you're not just hitting the zero stop instead of really bottoming out the scope?

Sounds like maybe the scope was zero'd and zero stop set using a 28moa mount and maybe you have a 45 moa mount. Or something like that.
Re: AI 338 AWM help with scope issue please

Hi I have checked the turret it will not go any lower, (have taken if off to make sure its free) Rail was with screws on left muzzle end of rail was lower than but end.

Any ideas as everywhere quotes use a 45 MOA rail with this scope.

Re: AI 338 AWM help with scope issue please

When you took it off did you put it right back on at 0? Take the knob off and put it back on with the 8 mil mark where the 0 mark is and see if it dials down. You should have plenty of travel on that scope.
Re: AI 338 AWM help with scope issue please

something here is wrong, maybe me? I have just taken the turret off it was as low as you can get the scope as i tried some grips on the turret it is 100% at its bottom, i have about 260 clicks of elevation if i rotate clockwise. Scope is the double turn 1 click = 0.1 mrad.

I held the scope in a vice the the x hairs do move so no issue there. i just am not getting what is wrong so more help is most welcome, thanks in advance Nigel
Re: AI 338 AWM help with scope issue please

Have you tried bore sighting it yet? What I do when first putting a scope on a rifle, I'll set the rifle in a rest with the bolt out and set it so that I can see an object through the bore about 100 yards away. The object will appear to be centered in the bore. I'll then adjust the crosshairs so that they rest on the distant object. I'll ususlly have a decent amount of adjustment in either direction of the scope. That'll get me on paper when I start zeroing at closer ranges without wasting ammo. Try that with your rifle, and see if you can adjust the crosshairs to intersect an object that is viewed through the bore from a distance.
Re: AI 338 AWM help with scope issue please

hi, thanks for the advice but have tried that as well, the rail is a 45moa I am about 27moa high with the scope bottomed out, I am told a lesser scope rail will not work with my scope due to size...but everyone tells me it should all be ok.

I am well stuck on this one now, i may have to take the rifle to the agent about 130 miles away. I bet someone here has had this before and knows the fix, they just have not seen the post yet, fingers crossed, thanks anyway Nigel
Re: AI 338 AWM help with scope issue please

I hate to say this, but it is possible the previous owner has dropped the rifle, and it landed "scope down", and the scope is now bent. Or, it is possible he banged it on something. The scope tube might or might not be marked up from this happening, so you can't tell that way. You might look closely at the scope tube, from the side as well as from the top. If the POI is off as much as you say, and this is the cause, you might be able to see it. That mount and scope should easily let you zero at 100 yards, unless something is wrong.
Re: AI 338 AWM help with scope issue please

Troubleshooting is a process of elimination, but it's going to require some equipment or a friend's gear to do it. Start with the scope by swapping a different optic onto it. If that scope has the same result, try a different mount with your scope and another scope. You should be able to do this with boresighting only. Same results, seek a professional gunsmith with the tools and knowledge to diagnose what may be wrong with the rifle or mounting.

You might also try posting a few pics of the scope-mount setup for some additional diagnosis help. Also, despite being entirely too high, how is the rifle grouping?
Re: AI 338 AWM help with scope issue please

Nigel, give a call to the Sportsman gun centre in Exeter. I'm sure they would be willing to take a look at it for you.
Re: AI 338 AWM help with scope issue please

Any chance you have a 45 MOA rail and 30MOA mount? I'd get out the calipers and start measuring stuff. Or try a known 0 MOA mount with your scope, as suggested above.
Re: AI 338 AWM help with scope issue please

ok thanks to you all for the help, my plan is a bit of all the advice, I will try and borrow my mate scope as he has the same and see if that gets down, at least I will rule out the scope.

Then if his scope has the same issue I will try his mount and rings as he has a pic rail if I still have the same problem then it must be something out of line in which case I will then make a trip to the agent.

I must say that the agent here in the UK has been very helpful so far and has even offered to meet up with me on a range where he shoots so lots of options.

Once fixed I will post what the issue was, you never know who may look in the future. thanks so far, Nigel
Re: AI 338 AWM help with scope issue please

OK All Fixed

Anyway, I took the scope and mount off the gun and noticed a small dowel pin that acts as a recoil lug, this looked like it could have held the mount a little high so I drifted it in a little 9not sure if this was the cause)

Put everything back together, bore sighted and it looked like it will work so off to the range. Rifle now zeroed (100)and only 65 of my 265 clicks used so all happy now.

So many thanks to the help, maybe the mount was not on correctly, maybe that lug was holding it high, who knows but all fine now,

thanks Nigel
Re: AI 338 AWM help with scope issue please

Well all working now, getting 3004 FPS with Lapua 250s but well over max pressure in curent load data. After calling Sporting Services here in the UK they advised a higher charge as load data has been scaled down. So worked up to their suggestion and no signs of pressure and a very nice groups.

I am off to a place called WMS next week with targets out to 2k so lets see....