AI Accuracy International AX50 BMG, 375 Cheytac and suppressors


Jan 3, 2021
Hello I have an AI AXSR with a few barrel/bolt combos (and a TB 338 Ultra SR) and recently bought the new AI AX50 BMG and can't wait to take it out. I wanted to pick up a suppressor for it on efile and was looking at the AWC and also Elite Iron. Looking for any experiences good and bad with any suppressors at this caliber. My ultimate goal with the AX50 (besides accuracy of 50 BMG) is to get a 375 Cheytac on it for ELR (and a different suppressor). I bought AX50 BMG because it fell in my lap and I couldn't say no since I knew the 375/416 Cheytac would be coming for it someday.

Thanks for any help, CJ