AI rifle run?


Full Member
Jul 1, 2002
San Jose
Is it me or has there been a huge up surge in demand for AI rifles specifically, AXMC's? I bought mine here used about 6 months and the PX was filled with them and they were dirt cheap. Now they're selling like hot cakes and the pricing has definitely gone up. Seasonal or is the general gun related demand spike somehow affected high end bolt guns?
I would say it is folks buying military like weapons due to concerns about where things might be headed. AR’s. AI’s etc.
Not sure how much sense that makes but that is my theory.
What you’re seeing is a very typical cycle with AI’s. New model coming, must dump old rifles to get new rifles. The only thing that was slightly different here was an abundance of AXMC’s being blown out by the two big vendors for an extended period beginning last year. This happens like clockwork with every new AI model. The old models always regain their previous value.

I’d also argue that AI popularity exploded 6-7 years ago with the introduction of the AT.
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My AW is probably one of the 4 guns(out of 400 I’ve owned) that I will never sell. Just interesting to see the cycle as I can’t imagine that many asxr or whatever the axmc replacement being sold
They just want to contribute to the AI picture thread, where every rifle looks the same...

I would actually save money by buying a AIMC vs 2-4 custom builds a year. wink wink
I did that for years until I bought my AW. That was when AW’s were $6k. Could have saved a ton of money had I started there, which I considered. That $6k has been the best money I ever spent on a gun.
AI runs hot and cold in the PX. Some months they are all over and good pricing. Others you can’t find them and the ones you can are close to retail.

Been watching the same cycle of and on for 2+ years.
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This happens like clockwork with every new AI model. The old models always regain their previous value.

I’d also argue that AI popularity exploded 6-7 years ago with the introduction of the AT.

The AT really fucked over AW values. I got my AW 2.0 new from euro optic at a steal of 5600$ around 2009. Fantastic rifle, burnt through around 6 or 7 barrels and the AT dropped sometime around 13 or 14. The AWs prices instantly took a 3k hit. I sold it along with at least 1500 in accessories for 4600 late last year. I did not get a lot of interest in it outside of collectors since the AT is that much more desirable, even though I was including a thunder beast action wrench. So I would not bank on them holding value at the very high end of the price points they are at.

I kind of know the pain the pre-14 AX owners feel, but they got hit hard to since starting was around 6k on one
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I bought my 308 AIAX from the PX around last Thanksgiving had less than 300 rounds on it according to the original owner for $4500 cash plus a slightly used Tikka 20" CTR 6.5CM. I feel like I made out pretty good I love that rifle I have to try hard to shoot bad with it. I bought a 6.5CM barrel for it from eo for $599 so my thoughts are as I wear barrels out in the future for a mere $600ish I can have a pretty much new barrel/rifle and or change calibers. If you do a lot of shooting and wear barrels out a AI is probably cheaper in the long run being able to quickly change them yourself not needing a gunsmith.
I’m blaming the price jump on all the $600 a week bonuses unemployment is handing out like Jehovah witness flyers.

I’ve been quietly keeping an eye out for another AX as they are popping up very reasonably priced (relatively speaking) in the PX.
Would really like a pale green one to match my AW and AE MKIII, but so far they are getting snapped up quickly and I’m already set with a dark earth AX.
Truly think with all the really good custom actions and prefits, there are just so many choices and AI’s are still a cut above, just priced out of most budgets. But the guys that can and do buy them usually have multiples bc they just love the quality and how well they shoot, and are willing to pay for it. I’m guilty as charged also.
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I’m blaming the price jump on all the $600 a week bonuses unemployment is handing out like Jehovah witness flyers.

I’ve been quietly keeping an eye out for another AX as they are popping up very reasonably priced (relatively speaking) in the PX.
Would really like a pale green one to match my AW and AE MKIII, but so far they are getting snapped up quickly and I’m already set with a dark earth AX.
Truly think with all the really good custom actions and prefits, there are just so many choices and AI’s are still a cut above, just priced out of most budgets. But the guys that can and do buy them usually have multiples bc they just love the quality and how well they shoot, and are willing to pay for it. I’m guilty as charged also.

I thought about getting multiple AI's but decided to diversify instead.

Variety is the spice of life.

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