Re: AK style rifle
years ago I picked up a Siaga in 7.62x39 unconverted. for the $125 I paid for it (NIB), I figuered I was gonna have some fun. I did the conversion to pistol grip with US parts....using nothing more then basic hand tools and dremel tools...was fairly easy, took only a couple hours time farting around. I had so little in this thing I decided to make it a pure abuse gun.....many a time after finishing shooting I wanted to put it in the back of the truck before going done range (desert shooting)....being to lazy to walk the 10 or 15 feet and wanting to truly abuse this firearm I would remove the mag, make sure the chamber was clear and launch it into the truck bed.......more then once I would finish shooting and literally just drop the thing....on many occasions people I was shooting with would just be standing there with the mouth wide open, eyes bulging out. I never did clean the rifle, even after several thousand rounds through it......I finally gave it to my brother, he cleaned it up and still has it.....that rifle always worked, never gave me a won, I lost....I would not have any problem owning a Siaga after what that one went through.
I also have a Norinco and a Sar2 and a FrankenAK in process of a rebuild.