If you are interested in a good time for a good cause, sign up and come shoot with us! These are some of the most welcoming matches for shotters to go to and enjoy a stress free but competitive environment. New shooters, young shooters, old, fat, blue, GRAY's (for @SHLowlight) ALL are welcome and will have a blast!
visit https://secure.ministrysync.com/ministrysync/event/home.php?e=14995 to register.
https://www.facebook.com/GuardianLongRange/ on facebook.
https://www.instagram.com/guardianlongrange/?hl=en on instagram.
visit https://secure.ministrysync.com/ministrysync/event/home.php?e=14995 to register.
https://www.facebook.com/GuardianLongRange/ on facebook.
https://www.instagram.com/guardianlongrange/?hl=en on instagram.