Re: Alliant's new AR-Comp powder
I have shot close to 300 rounds with AR comp and 2000mr and 175 smk. I did love how comp was bugholing, and the es/sd was better than varget or 2000mr. I ended up sticking with 2000mr because my accuracy load (46.2 grains .015 off the lands) was getting me an average of 2747 fps out of a 24 inch 1/10 twist barrel with no pressure signs, where the AR comps accuracy load was only around 2625 fps.
M14'er I think is starting his loads at book max and going up, I stopped mine at book max (41.4 grains with 175 SMKs.). Hopefully we will get a range report. With my barrel, I didn't see pressure signs with the 2000mr until I was close to 2850 fps with the 175 SMKs. That is straight bonkers! This stuff burns clean, supposedly is less temp sensitive than Varget, and produces better velocity than factory 30-06 ammo! That and it is disk shaped ball powder with one extruded grain ever hundred or 200 grains. Kinda weird, but it works.