Am I crazy?


Sure Shot Night Vision
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Feb 15, 2017
Southern Illinois
Ok, I need some feedback on this. I am left handed, always been left handed. I shoot a rifle and shotgun left handed. But here’s where it gets interesting. I shoot a pistol right handed.
I’ve always shot ambi AR’s so it’s been a non issue, but I just bought my first bolt gun and I would like to transition to right hand so I can keep my support hand in place, stay on target and run the bolt with my right.
I have done all of the at home eye dominance tests and I really think I am cross eye dominant, is that even possible or am I just too dumb to do the test correctly?
Has anyone tried this?
Yep, your nuttier than squirrel turds ???
Seriously though if you can shoot well enough with a rifle right handed why not, I have on occasion shot left handed just for the experience and to know I can should the need ever arise but am in no way as proficient left handed as I am right.

Since you would be shooting a rifle with a magnified optic and wouldn't need to shoot with both eyes open the transition should be fairly smooth I would think.
Are you saying you are right-eye dominant? If so, that's a good reason to work on transitioning to right-hand shooting, especially with a shotgun.

I understand how awkward it feels to shoot from the weak side, but it's doable. It's entertaining to me to go to a rifle match and have a weak-side-required stage and people freak out over it. I practice weak-side just a little bit, and progress has been rapid. So give it a go. Especially if you're strongly right-eye dominant.
@XLR308 thanks for confirming my nuttiness ?. Another reason for this is just uniformity between me and my shooting/hunting buddies so that no matter who brought or didn’t bring guns we can inter operate with each other’s equipment without as much headache.
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I would say that you should go right handed, if only for the easier access to purchase and resell bolt action gear. The left handed market is much more difficult.

You can (and should) learn how to run either handed.
I am left handed brought up in a right hand world. I was told I had to catch and throw a base baseball right handed, so I did. I then threw a football right handed because I was told to. But I kick a football left footed. I have always been able to shoot right or left handed. Doesn't matter if it's a long gun or a handgun. I guess that was one of the advantages of being left handed in a right hand world.
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Im right handed but left eye dominant. For new shooters, its normal to encourage them to shoot the same side as the dominant eye despite the dominate hand.

For me, I was taught how to shoot without knowing the correct way so I learned. I have seen guys that have an eye issue so bad, the have to cover eye glasses with tape. So what you're describing certainly isn't too far off. Its figuring out what works for you
I have this exact same issue! I shoot a rifle from my left shoulder but a pistol from my right hand. It works out for me shooting rifles because I'm left eye dominant. Shooting pistols makes things a little more complicated because I need to line my sights up with my left eye by either turning my head or shifting the position of the pistol.
Interesting that you can't completely determine which is your dominant eye. My wife is the same way. Half the time when she does one of the "tests" it will show her to be right eye dominant, and the other half she comes up left eye dominant. But she's right handed and shoots right handed, so it's never been an issue for her.

I'm one of those people whose dominant eye is opposite the dominant hand. I'm left-handed, but right eye dominant. So I always sight with my right eye, whether I'm shooting a pistol (which I shoot with my left hand) or a rifle, which I shoot right-handed. I've always felt lucky that I am this way, since I can then use standard right-handed rifles and shotguns with no issue. That makes life a lot easier then buying or borrowing a long gun.

All this is to say that, if you can train yourself to shoot a rifle right-handed it will open up a lot more options for you down the road with regard to buying or borrowing long guns. Not nearly as many left-hand rifles and shotguns out there as there are right-handed.
Im the same way. Shoot pistol right handed..all long guns left handed. I throw right handed but eat and write left handed.
Im a painter and have tried to figure out which hand prefers it but can run the paint gun just as well with both. Seems like im more right eye dominant but if I keep both eyes open and put my hand over my right eye for a second it seems like the left eye takes over. I run right hand bolt guns...I also don't want to get into LH because of resale issues and compatibility with all my shooting friends and family...lately ive been trying to shoot right handed more and I like just as accurate easily.
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This always cracks me up. Closing your left eye isn't hard. I'm left eye dominant and shoot everything right handed and if I had $5 for every 25 I shot in trap I'd retire early. Shoot 10 meter in college. Closing your left eye becomes natural if you shoot enough.
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