American rifle co CDG 223 ai feeding


Full Member
Sep 6, 2009
Selah, Wa
So I have a few of these arc cdg actions, I LOVE THEM. I am kicking around selling my 223 ai on a tikka(not for sale don't ask) and getting building on on a cdg. My questions are how does a 223 ai feed in a cdg. Looking for real work experience.

There were a few posts in the large CDG thread about it (which may be hard to find now) but the consensus seemed to be 223 fed ok running the bolt slow or fast because the 23 degree shoulder angle was more forgiving, but 223AI only fed ok if you ran the bolt fast, and if you ran it slow the 40 degree neck/shoulder junction had a tendency to get stuck on the edge of the chamber and stop the bolt. (This was the issue I had with the 223AI conversion on my AIAX, and probably why Enrique recommended I chamber it in 223 and not 223AI, lol)

I tried spinning one of my flat breech 223AI barrels from my Archimedes on my CDG just to see how things worked, it did not want to feed at all when running the bolt slow and only chambered about 40% when running the bolt fast... but that's with a non-conical breech. ARC says the conical breech is a must for 223 diameter cases, so my test was destined for failure.

IMO the 6 o'clock lug and lack of a full feed ramp in the CDG really isn't ideal for the small diameter 223 cases feeding from center feed AICS magazines as the small diameter 223 rounds ride low in the 6 o'clock lug relief and get presented to the chamber at a non-optimal angle, but since I don't have a 223 or 223AI barrel with a CDG conical breech take my little experiment with the flat breech 223AI barrel with a bit of skepticism.

Both my 223AIs are built on Archimedes actions specifically because I know they work perfect with 223 diameter cases and 223 AICS mags; the Archimedes has a full feed ramp for center feed AICS magazines and 223 & 223AI feeds great running the bolt slow or fast.
Yeah when it comes to the CDG 223 and flat breach barrels you need to run the bolt with effort, the AI being even more finicky. Even my Long Action 223 runs fine if I run the bolt with a little gusto, granted I’m single feeding it
What the hell why can’t we upload videos here anymore from my phone?

Took a video of how the AI feeds and where it catches.

As you can see in the video the round strips from the magazine and goes into the chamber easy. Then it hits a hard stop where I have to utilize more force to get it to go all the way in the chamber. After analyzing the bullet, I am seeing where it is hitting. Running the bolt fast you don't notice it BUT I would like it to feed smoother.

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While not CDG...I did a bunch of research on whether I should look for CRF or push feed action before I built my 223Ackley. The consensus was push feed was more forgiving for some reason. Some guys said it was about how the CRF had to accept the case from the magazine just right, I don't know.
I'm using 700 action and if I run the bolt slow, it will hang almost every time, if I back off a bit and jam it in, it sometimes goes on in but damages the cartridge some. I can't tell that it has any detriment to the accuracy of the shot. But if I run the bolt fast, no issue and when I inspect the unfired cartridge, there aren't any dents or such.