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Ammo Cabinets


Just salty.
Nov 1, 2019
Was curious what others are using to keep ammo squared away?

I bought 2 of these a while back and really like them.

*Its sturdy AF and can hold a lot of weight. Well built.
*Does lock and would keep out the innocent.
*Looks damn good.
*Heavy duty adjustable feet to level.
*Affordable at 120 bucks.

*Sides have peg board type holes so you arent going to climate control the cabinet like you can a safe.
*While it locks it will not keep anyone out who has intent.
*Is sort of a PITA to put together, you will likely need 2 people with a couple hours free.

I looked at the ammo-vaults etc. But I couldnt justify the cost for some reason...

My office / gun room is climate controlled so not much worry there. It locks good enough and with the firearms tucked in a seperate safe it just adds a security layer I guess.

What y'all using?

I am always looking for better solutions.
I use some 36” wide x 72” tall x 20” deep sliding drawer fireproof file cabinets. Each drawer is 11.5” tall. They are lockable - although nowhere near as secure as a safe. The drawers slide open so you can reach everything easily. And you can store 6 AR15’s side by side in a single drawer. I bought them used at an office furniture place near me for $75 each. Mine were scuffed up on one side of both of them, but I didn’t care. I put cases of ammo in the lower drawers and powder and primers in the upper ones.
Currently using a shitty fiberboard Walmart special cabinet deal. Tall and narrow, but works just fine to hold powder and ammo boxes.

I need to upgrade my safe, so the old cheapie is gonna get relegated to ammo. Its the $100ish one, just sheet metal and a lock. You can bolt it to the floor or wall if you want. Plenty of lock for an ammo holder.

I've also thought about a flam cabinet if I see one at an auction, they're damn spendy otherwise, and the lock on my cheap safe is more secure.
I kept my eye open on craigslist and estate sales and found a safe. My idea was climate was easier to control, secure. More secure storage for other items as well. Added some 2”x2” supports to buttress the shelves and works great

I originally had a Lowes brand tool cabinet- and the weight of all the ammo warped and broke shelves.
I got a steel cabinet ($50) from a used office furniture place - similar to the link in the first post. Added some extra shelves and I works great. A couple friends use old fridges (probably more appropriate for the garage then an office/gun room!
Hon or uline office supply cabinets.

Strong, lightweight and about $100 or less on the used market.


I use a couple Heavy duty metal shelves.
Depending on box sizes (I dont buy hunting ammo by the case), some shelves have a cut piece of 3/8 OSB to bolster the wire shelving.

had a cabinet, warped the metal with weight.
no issues with current set-up.
except its full and I need another......?
Recently, I've liked paint cans for my loaded ammunition. The new paint cans are plastic and work well for long term storage. They are air tight and can be handled, stacked and stored easily. The only down side is they are not a quick access or easy open-close. I have them stacked on wood shelving in my basement. I even use the paint cans for reloading and keeping batches sorted. I got the cans from painting in the house. When we're done I wash the paint can out to re-use it. Surprisingly, the plastic cans clean up 100%, no old paint left.
I use some 36” wide x 72” tall x 20” deep sliding drawer fireproof file cabinets. Each drawer is 11.5” tall. They are lockable - although nowhere near as secure as a safe. The drawers slide open so you can reach everything easily. And you can store 6 AR15’s side by side in a single drawer. I bought them used at an office furniture place near me for $75 each. Mine were scuffed up on one side of both of them, but I didn’t care. I put cases of ammo in the lower drawers and powder and primers in the upper ones.

This is the route I tried first. I just couldnt find anything near me that would fit the need. May revist again.