I don't know the seller or otherwise have any part/association with this listing, but for any potential buyers out there, I'd offer this data point: we have a Gen1 AMP annealer at our range - available for everyone to use. The range has in excess of 3,000 members. I'm sure it's a small percentage of people that use the AMP, but I've seen people take literal laundry baskets and 5-gallon buckets full of brass in to anneal, and I'm only there once a month at most these days. It has undoubtedly been used to anneal hundreds of thousands of pieces of brass, and if you told me it had hit a million, I wouldn't doubt you. I have a Gen 1 myself, and watching those cheap b*st*rds who take those laundry baskets in for annealing at least gave me the comfort to know that mine will last longer than I will.