Annnnnnnd the school bus driver of the year award goes to........

Tell me she's in jail.

Any word on the little boy? what a fucking trauma. Reparations wil ensue.
Horrible incident but y'all did see the time stamp on this right? 05/15/2015. Pretty sure I've seen this before here in the bear pit...

And it was a little girl. She suffered severe abrasions to 12% of her body. Here's an update from 2021.

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Never had that problem when I rode one. If you got out of line you got your ass whipped then again when pop got home.
That‘s so bad. Reminds of the movie Vacation with the dog tied to the back bumper but unfortunately for that little girl this was real life.
I can't lie if it weren't' for the fact that it was a real little girl I would want to laugh my ass off. It does remind me of movies like Dumb & Dumber.
I bet when this kid gets in high school and or collage she is going to have some laughs with her friends watching that video.